Article 3PYZX Error'd: Kind of...but not really

Error'd: Kind of...but not really

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#3PYZX)

"On occasion, SQL Server Management Studio's estimates can be just a little bit off," writes Warrent B.


Jay D. wrote, "On the surface, yeah, it looks like a good deal, but you know, pesky laws of physics spoil all the fun."


"When opening a new tab in Google Chrome I saw a link near the bottom of the screen that suggested I 'Explore the world's iconic locations in 3D'," writes Josh M., "Unfortunately, Google's API felt differently."


Stuart H. wrote, "I think I might have missed out on this deal, the clock was counting up, no I mean down, I mean negative AHHHH!"


"Something tells me this site's programmer is learning how to spell the hard(est) way," Carl W. writes.


"Why limit yourself with one particular resource of the day when you can substitute any resource you want," wrote Ari S.


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