Article 3R6FG CodeSOD: Modern Art: The Funnel

CodeSOD: Modern Art: The Funnel

Remy Porter
from The Daily WTF on (#3R6FG)

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and when it's a picture of code, you could say that it contains a thousand words, too. Especially when it's bad code.


Here we have a work of true art. The symmetry hearkens back to the composition of a frame of a Wes Anderson film, and the fact that this snippet starts on line 418 tells us that there's more to this story, something exotic happening just outside of frame. The artist is actively asking questions about what we know is true, with the method calls? &emdash;I think they're method calls&emdash; which take too many parameters, most of which are false. There are hints of an Inner Platform, but they're left for the viewer to discover. And holding it all together are the funnel-like lines which pull the viewer's eyes, straight through the midline, all the way down to the final DataType.STRING, which really says it all, doesn't it? DataType.STRING indeed.

If I ran an art gallery, I would hang this on a wall.

If I ran a programming team, I'd hang the developer instead.

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