It’s time for Britain’s millionaire pensioners to pay up | Phillip Inman
The intergenerational argument has vanished - buried beneath the Brexit talks and the traditional fixation with class inequality. The fear that millennials, whatever their class, are going to have a tougher time than their forebears appears to have had the life squashed out of it.
A two-year investigation by the Intergenerational Commission, a group sponsored by the Resolution Foundation thinktank, has found that what it calls the "contract between the generations" is at breaking point. It warns that society risks dumping a disproportionate amount of the costs of an ageing population on their shoulders. It's been going on for some time and now the situation is acute.
Their disposable income is beyond what many working families could ever achieve through higher wages or even promotions
Related: Radical ideas for rebalancing Britain's baby boomers and millennials
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