Article 3V86K Error'd: Upon Reaching a Certain Age...

Error'd: Upon Reaching a Certain Age...

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#3V86K)

"Evidently, once you hit 55, LinkedIn thinks you'll age until your buffer overflows," writes Jonathan L.


"I started out looking for shower gel, but now, thanks to Google, I'm considering if a GBIC in Cadet Blue is worth the extra money," writes Robin M.


Matthew B. wrote, "So, an article about AI shows that the AI behind generating the summary rasied an exception. Maybe the AIs aren't speaking to each other?"


"Wait...did I just fail a Turing Test?" writes Daniel.


Rob J. wrote, "I got a 2 on a vision test but apparently only people from Krypton or blind people test on it, because there were very large negative and positive scores."


Pieter V. writes, "Thankfully this combo error didn't occur on the plane I took."


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