Article 3VP8S Error'd: When BSODs Pile Up

Error'd: When BSODs Pile Up

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#3VP8S)

"I suppose the ropes were there to keep the infection from spreading to other screens," Stan I. wrote.


"I was visiting the ESA Shop and, well, though I'm not actually in the UK, it looks like I'll be shopping there!" wrote Ben S.


Marcin K. writes, "I spotted this one at a Warsaw subway station and, I'm pleased to say, that this billboard was the only thing that crashed."


"Life is full of important, deep questions. Ubuntu 18.04 seems to feel the same way during install when I tried to create an encrypted volume," writes Bernard M.


Brad W. wrote, "Sometimes it's easy to see how test artifacts slip into production, other times it's not."


"This is what happens when you are looking for answers on CodeProject, but you find only more questions," writes David.


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