Article 3XSHJ Keeping Up Appearances

Keeping Up Appearances

from The Daily WTF on (#3XSHJ)

Just because a tool is available doesn't mean people will use it correctly. People have abusedbooleans,dates,enums,databases,Go-To's,PHP,reinventing the wheel and even Excel to the point that this forum will never run out of material!

Bug and issue trackers are Good Thingsa. They let you keep track of multiple projects, feature requests, and open and closed problems. They let you classify the issues by severity/urgency. They let you specify which items are going into which release. They even let you track who did the work, as well as all sorts of additional information.


Every project, no matter how big or small, should make use of them.

Ideally, they would be used correctly.


Matt had just released the project that he'd been working on for the past few years. As always happens, some "issues" cropped up. Some were genuine defects. Some were sort-of-enhancements based on the fact that a particular input screen was unwieldy and needed to be improved. At least one was a major restructuring of a part of the project that did not flow too well. In all, Matt had seven issues that needed to be addressed. Before he could deliver them, he needed defect tickets in the bug tracking system. He wasn't authorized to raise such tickets; only the Test team could do that.

It took a while, but he finally received a ticket to do the work to... but everything had been bundled up into one ticket. This made it very difficult to work with, because now he couldn't just clear each issue as he went. Instead, he had to package them up in abeyance, so to speak, and only release them when they were all complete. This also meant that the test documentation, providing instructions to the Test team as to how to ensure that the fix was working as required, all had to be bundled up into one big messy document, making it more difficult for Testers to do their job as well.

So he questioned them: If we can raise a single defect ticket, then what stops us from raising all 7 needed tickets so that the issues can be addressed separately? The answer was: Because these defects appear post-release, it is clear that they weren't caught at the pre-release stage, which means that Somebody Wasn't Doing Their Job Properly in the Test team, which makes them Look Bad; it brings their failure to catch the issues to the attention of Management.

In other words, in order to keep the Test team from looking bad, they would only ever raise a single ticket (encompassing all detected issues) for any given release.

Imagine if all of the bugs from your last major release were assigned to you personally, in a single ticket. Good luck estimating, scheduling, coding, debugging and documenting how to test the single logical bug!

Matt raised this bad practice with management, and explained that while the reason for why they do this is to hide their inadequacy, it also prevents any meaningful way to control work distribution, changes and subsequent testing. It also obscures the actual number of issues (Why is it taking you seven weeks to fix one issue?).

Management was not amused at having been misled.

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