Article 468HW Error'd: All Aboard the System Bus

Error'd: All Aboard the System Bus

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#468HW)

"The classic 'If transportation had evolved at the same pace as computers...' comparison is no longer merely academic as this TTC streetcar proudly displays it's nearing 32K RAM," Carlos writes.


"I guess if it's good enough for the people of ${city:capatilized}..." writes Philip J.


Greg wrote, "I'd consider amending to my birth certificate if it'd appease this form."


"Either this preview image is a mistake, or I have a serious misunderstanding of how sound mixing works," Steve B. writes.


"Even in a simple survey, Google finds date-math hard," wrote Eion Robb.


"After finding my DHL Express shipment hadn't been picked up at the scheduled time, their service desk told me that the shipment number could not be found and may be expired and to refer to their website," Thiadmer R. writes, "So, I went into the help section to see how long a label stays valid, and well, I don't think even knowing Latin would help."


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