Davos 2019: What to watch for at the World Economic Forum
As many world leaders stay away, will any progress be made at 'family reunion for the people who broke the world'?
Political and economic problems loom heavily over the global elite as they gather at Davos for the World Economic Forum (WEF). But is there any political will to fix them?
Related: Global tensions holding back climate change fight, says WEF
Thrilled the Duke of Cambridge is taking part in the first ever plenary panel on global mental health @Davos later this month. Thank you @wef for making mental health a priority in 2019. Looking forward to being there for @UnitedGMH asking leaders to make sure 2019 is #timetoact https://t.co/WtSDoF2kah
Mostrarei nosso desejo de fazer comi(C)rcio com o mundo todo, prezando pela liberdade econimica, acordos bilaterais e saide fiscal. Com esses pilares, o Brasil caminhari na direiio do pleno emprego e da prosperidade. Espero trazer boas experiincias e avanios ao nosso pais!
she doesn't want to hang out with the *citizens of snow wear* https://t.co/TVRFXO0JXF
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