Article 4BXQK The answer to climate breakdown and austerity? A green new deal | Caroline Lucas

The answer to climate breakdown and austerity? A green new deal | Caroline Lucas

Caroline Lucas
from on (#4BXQK)

Business as usual is causing environmental destruction and spiralling inequality. Our bill is a radical plan to address both

Faced with unprecedented challenges, politicians appear more divided than ever - that's why Labour's Clive Lewis and I are doing something bold. We are jointly tabling a bill in parliament designed to address two of the greatest threats we face - climate breakdown and spiralling inequality. Our bill would introduce a "green new deal" - an unprecedented mobilisation of resources invested to prevent climate breakdown, reverse inequality, and heal our communities. It demands major structural changes in our approach to the ecosystem, coupled with a radical transformation of the finance sector and the economy, to deliver both social justice and a livable planet.

It's an idea congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has recently reinvigorated in the US. And it could scarcely be more urgent. The UN's top scientists have warned we have just 11 years to halve global emissions and avoid climate catastrophe. Global wildlife populations have collapsed by nearly 60% in our lifetimes. This has led 1.4 million young people to join the inspiring global school strikes movement to demand change. The response from ministers? To continue to force fracking on local communities, and to hand millions in tax breaks to the fossil fuel industry. Last week, unbelievably, a new coal mine was given a green-light on their watch.

Related: The Earth is in a death spiral. It will take radical action to save us | George Monbiot

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