Article 4CJ8Y Airbnb guest found hidden surveillance camera by scanning Wi-Fi network

Airbnb guest found hidden surveillance camera by scanning Wi-Fi network

Jon Brodkin
from Ars Technica - All content on (#4CJ8Y)

Enlarge / Close-up of a camera lens. (credit: Getty Images | William Andrew)

A New Zealand family that booked an Airbnb in Ireland recently discovered an undisclosed camera in the living room, and the family says that Airbnb initially cleared the host of any wrongdoing before finally banning the offender from its platform.

"Once the family had unpacked, Andrew Barker, who works in IT security, scanned the house's Wi-Fi network," CNN reported today. "The scan unearthed a camera and subsequently a live feed. From the angle of the video, the family tracked down the camera, concealed in what appeared to be a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide detector."

Nealie Barker posted an image on Facebook showing the location of the camera in the living room and a shot of the family from the sneaky video feed:

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