Article 4D8QK Logitech’s latest universal remote gives Alexa the keys to your home theater

Logitech’s latest universal remote gives Alexa the keys to your home theater

Jeff Dunn
from Ars Technica - All content on (#4D8QK)
  • DSC01830-980x653.jpg

    This is Logitech's new universal remote, the Harmony Express. Note the big honking Alexa button at the top there. [credit: Jeff Dunn ]

Logitech on Tuesday announced the Harmony Express, a new universal remote that features the Alexa voice assistant.

Amazon's increasingly ubiquitous helper comes built into the device and is accessible via a large circular button at the top of the remote. The idea with the Harmony Express is to use Alexa to control the various devices in your home theater. Past Logitech Harmony remotes have been usable with an associated Alexa skill for those with separate Echo devices, but here the voice controls are baked in.

The Harmony Express costs $250 and is available starting Tuesday.

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