Article 4EGD7 Mark Carney is looking unreliable again with misplaced enthusiasm for rate rises

Mark Carney is looking unreliable again with misplaced enthusiasm for rate rises

Guardian Staff
from on (#4EGD7)
The Bank of England governor believes the economy is at risk of overheating but there is no solid base for his prediction

The Bank of England governor Mark Carney must rank as one of Britain's most popular policymakers. Since he took the post in 2013, the Canadian has often appeared to be the only adult in public life who can stay calm in a crisis. His recent observation that companies and financial markets must recognise the risks of climate change has made him a darling of the environmental movement.

It is strange then that he should risk his reputation as a solid guardian of monetary policy - and with only nine months to go before he steps down from the role - with a warning that interest rates will soon rise and at a faster pace than previously expected, without a solid base for his prediction.

The only reason economic activity has picked up in the US, eurozone and China is they dropped plans to raise rates

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