Article 4FQVK Subscribe to Ars and get 20% off

Subscribe to Ars and get 20% off

Eric Bangeman
from Ars Technica - All content on (#4FQVK)

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The final weekend in May marks the unofficial start of summer (at least at the Orbiting HQ, where our season simulator is aligned with the Northern Hemisphere). It's a time for farmers' markets, parades, and cookouts, if you're into those sorts of things. But who would want to spend time out under the Daystar absorbing UV radiation and swatting away flying disease vectors when you could be reading the latest from your favorite website?

We've got some improvements to Ars in the works. We plan to tweak the commenting system and are working on a complete overhaul of our mobile site. Part of what makes these improvements-and indeed, all of our work-possible is the support of our readers. To make that more enticing, we are offering 20% off any subscription to Ars Technica. Ars Pro is discounted to $20 from $25 and Ars Pro++ is just $40.

In addition to supporting our mission of bringing you the smart reporting Ars readers have come to love, subscribing to Ars comes with a bunch of other perks. All Ars Pro and Ars Pro++ subscribers get a completely ad-free experience. Based on reader feedback, we also removed all tracking scripts for subscribers. Beyond that, subscribers get Classic View (a throwback to the old-school Ars experience), full-text RSS feeds, premium forum access, and PDFs of all our stories.

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