Corbyn’s destructive ambiguity on Brexit has failed | William Keegan
The consensus around Labour's Euroscepticism is collapsing. The party must change its stance radically, and urgently
I am told that, shortly before the elections for the European parliament, Jeremy Corbyn was flirting with the idea of being less hostile towards the Remain campaign. Even he could read the opinion polls. However, according to my informant, he was immediately sat upon by his spin doctor, Seumas Milne, and other members of the politburo of what passes for the modern Labour party.
The policy of so-called "constructive ambiguity" remained in place, with all too predictable results at the polls. This approach was tested to destruction, thereby proving what had been obvious for some time: that it was, in truth, a policy of destructive ambiguity.
I wonder if Lavery is aware that, in his contempt for intellectuals, he is sneering at great Labour figures of the past
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