Shae Erisson's Blog - Open Source Hardware Hearing Aid Part 1
"upstart" writes:
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Shae Erisson's blog - Open Source Hardware Hearing Aid Part 1
My mother got hearing aids a few years ago. About a month later, she lost one. Insurance said if she wanted a replacement, she could pay them many thousands of dollars or she could wait a year.
That seemed incredibly expensive. I haven't done much electronics, but digital signal processing doesn't seem that expensive? I started diving in, the parts for a hearing aid looked like they couldn't possibly cost more than $500, probably closer to $100. A friend of mine was in a medical device software job, and told me human testing starts at about half a million dollars.
No way I can get that kind of money, so I gave up on that idea.
Years later, I found an affordable open source hearing aid
A few weeks ago, I found an open source hardware hearing aid called Tympan. For only three hundred dollars US you can buy a white 3D printed case that holds a Teensy 3.6 with some additional audio processing hardware. If you've previously done Arduino development, the Teensy is similar, and can use the same tools.
So I bought one!
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