We must not switch off from the grim truth about Brexit | William Keegan
The health of the nation depends on not acquiescing in the folly of no deal, however tempting it may be to retreat
I have a message for the many people I encounter who have given up reading anything about Brexit: I feel your pain! I sympathise with those who say: "I am fed up; why don't they just get on with it?" Unfortunately, they could not be more mistaken.
"Getting on with it" would be - well, allow me to quote a recent leading article in my journalistic alma mater, the normally restrained Financial Times. A fortnight ago, the FT warned: "The UK is careering towards the precipice, with dire implications for its economy, security, and the union of nations it comprises. It is now parliament's duty to prevent the British government from visiting a calamity on its own country on October 31."
I wonder whether Merkel was reflecting that there might be a need for another Berlin airlift - but this time from Berlin to London?
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