Article 4P8ZW Error'd: Resistant to Change

Error'd: Resistant to Change

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#4P8ZW)

Tom H. writes, "They got rid of their old, outdated fax machine, but updating their website? Yeah, that might take a while."


"In casinos, they say the house always wins. In this case, when I wanted to cash in my winnings, I gambled and lost against Windows 7 Professional," Michelle M. wrote.


Martin writes, "Wow! It's great to see Apple is going the extra mile by protecting my own privacy from myself!"


"Yes, Amazon Photos, with my mouse clicks, I will fix you," wrote Amos B.


"When searches go wrong at AliExpress they want you to know these three things," Erwan R. wrote.


Chris A. writes, "It's like Authy is saying 'I have no idea what you just did, but, on the bright side, there weren`t any errors!'"


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