Article 4Q8XA Error'd: Many Languages, One WTF

Error'd: Many Languages, One WTF

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#4Q8XA)

"It's as if IntelliJ IDEA just gave up trying to parse my code," writes John F.

Henry D. writes, "If you have a phone in English but have it configured to recognize two different languages, simple requests sometimes morph into the weirdest things."



Carl C. wrote, "Maybe Best Buy's page is referring to a store near Nulltown, Indiana, but really, I think their site is on drugs."


"Yeah, Thanks Cisco, but I'm not sure I really want to learn more," writes Matt P.


"Ebay is alerting me to something. No idea what it is, but I can tell you what they named their variables," Lincoln K. wrote.


"Not quite sure what secrets the Inner Circle holds, I guess knowing Latin?" writes Matt S.


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