The Tories have split the country. No spending splurge can repair it | Polly Toynbee
Sajid Javid's speech was more hyperbole than hard cash. Many announcements crumble under scrutiny
Look at the people here in Manchester at the Tory party conference, stare into their eyes and they look much as they always did - ordinary home counties folk, small business people, plus a few sharp-suited would-be spads. Not noticeably odd, yet these party members are the tiny group who have done for their country.
Over the past decade, their Brexit fever has packed the Commons with Europhobes. These respectable law and order-minded patriots chose a dishonest, disreputable, disgrace of a man for prime minister, who will trash their constitution, mislead their monarch, and disrespect their judges to use "any means necessary" to get anything he wants. These ordinary people have turned into wreckers of what they used to hold dearest.
More hyperbole than hard cash, many announcements crumble under scrutiny - not 40 new hospitals but refurbishment for six
Related: Boris Johnson's unwinnable chess match is nearing its endgame | Anand Menon and Alan Wager
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