Failing Haiti and forgetting Jean-Bertrand Aristide Aristide | Letter
Haiti's political and economic problems are of course rooted in its exploitative treatment by the US going back decades and more (How US aid failed Haiti, The long read, 11 October). However, since 1990, in both elections and in huge popular demonstrations, Haitians have expressed their desire to be led by Jean-Bertrand Aristide - a sensible, conscientious humanitarian, and democratic reformer and a supporter of the liberation theology movement. He has been overthrown as leader and exiled twice by pro-US local elites because the US fears his influence might initiate a regional domino effect; this explains why Aristide continues to be demeaned by conservative sources in the US. Jacob Kushner's article attributes Haiti's woes more prominently to the philanthropy of Bill and Hilary Clinton than even the country's disastrous 2010 earthquake. More remarkably, the article is without a single mention of Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
Dr Kevin Bannon
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