Article 4TF1K What Lives Beyond the Blue Screen (2019)

What Lives Beyond the Blue Screen (2019)

Alex Papadimoulis
from The Daily WTF on (#4TF1K)

As promised in the sneak peak, we have a very special Halloween feature planned for today! What Lives Beyond the Blue Screen is an animated story by Lorne Kates (voiced by Jack Rhysider), made in collaboration with our new friends at Human Readable Magazine:

An everyday programmer decides to clean up the mess of his company's infrastructure before the big merger only to accidentally run the wrong command on the wrong location. Join the adventure as they rush to fix the mistake before they bring down the entire company.

This will be you live-streamed premier, in just a few hours, at 1:00PM Eastern. Stay tuned!

About Human Readable Magazine

We're able to bring this to you thanks to Panagiotis "Pek" Peikidis. In addition to having an even more Greek name than mine, Pek is embarking on a remarkably awesome - and a bit insane - journey. He's launching Human Readable Magazine: an actual paper magazine (available digitally too) that will take developers on technical deep dives to expand and challenge their knowledge of programming every month.

It's a kickstarter project that you should all go check out. Pek was inspired to start this after finding a lot of success with Morning Cup of Coding, a newsletter that shares programming articles from every field of programming.

Creating quality content isn't easy, but from what I've seen from Issue 0 Preview, and the creativity in the upcoming Halloween collaboration, Pek is up for the challenge. With our support, we can help make Human Readable Magazine a fixture of the programming community and have a lot more fun collaborations in the future.

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