The best way to ‘level up’ would be an above-inflation rise in benefits | Letters
Imogen West-Knights is rightly sceptical of the government's "levelling up" mantra (Johnson's vow to 'level up' is as meaningless as it sounds, Journal, 6 February). If the government genuinely wants to "level up" rather than "sidestep the thorny issue of gaping economic inequalities", it could make a start by raising working-age and children's social security benefits by more than inflation this year following the four-year freeze.
You also report (6 February) the National Institute of Economic Research's warning that it would take Boris Johnson more than two full terms to level up the economy. Important as investment in disadvantaged areas is, it will take time for their inhabitants to feel the benefits. An above-inflation benefits increase would have an immediate effect and, as the money is likely to be spent quickly and locally, would boost those same local economies. At the same time, it would help the many on low incomes living elsewhere.
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