Searching for a way to defeat Trump | Letters
Benjamin Moffitt, in his review of the forces of populism, suggests that if anti-populists want to defeat the likes of Trump, they'll need a different approach (Long read, 14 February). But he doesn't say what. I've looked in vain in the Guardian and other enlightened media for a workable game plan for anti-populists; and I've listened in vain to those on the left in the hope that someone will emerge with an anti-populist strategy.
Without that strategy, the left in all its guises will not be able to win the political argument for the popular vote by combating the lies and distortions of the populists, who succeed by appealing to the lowest common denominator. We moderate leftists need an argument and an inspiring leader. Sadly I can see neither in the desert that is Britain today.
John Pawsey
Milton Keynes