Article 51AWP Error'd: You Must Agree!

Error'd: You Must Agree!

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#51AWP)

"Apparently they don't want you to Strongly Agree with everything they say!" wrote David S.


"When updating some Logitech software recently, I learned that under the right conditions, you can update that which doesn't exist yet," wrote David N.


Eric P. writes, "I guess that's what I get for requesting Ol' Dirty Bastard from the jukebox at my local dive bar...which, ironically, was the only sign of any windows in the joint!"


"Maybe I really DO need the five minute overview!" Cindy H. wrote.


Marius E. writes, "Altough we did make it to Amsterdam in time I wonder how fast we were going?"


"I'm going to hibernate for the next couple thousand years so I don't have to wait so long," wrote Erwin.


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