I made millions out of the last debt crisis. Now the wealthy stand to win again | Gary Stevenson
We urgently need a fairer tax system so that rich people like me help solve the fallout from coronavirus, not just profit from it
Gary Stevenson is an economist and former interest rate trader
I made my first million the year Greece went under. I was 24 years old at the time.
I'd attended a presentation given by one of Citibank's senior economists, in which he explained that government debts of the world's major economies had grown to dangerous levels, and were continuing to grow. He warned that markets could stop lending to some of these governments, forcing a devastating round of austerity on to already battered economies.
If we repeat 2008, buying a house with one's own wages will be a thing of the past
Related: Don't expect a snapback for the UK economy after lockdown is lifted | Larry Elliott
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