Article 56440 UK working mothers are 'sacrificial lambs' in coronavirus childcare crisis

UK working mothers are 'sacrificial lambs' in coronavirus childcare crisis

Alexandra Topping
from on (#56440)

Exclusive: Survey reveals lack of childcare played role in almost half of female layoffs

Women are being treated as sacrificial lambs" as the UK economy contracts, with half of working mothers unable to access the childcare they need to return to work, according to a survey exposing the scale of the UK's childcare crisis.

As the government was accused by MPs from both sides of the political divide of ignoring and sidelining women in its response to the coronavirus pandemic, the survey revealed a lack of childcare played a role in the job losses of almost half of the women made redundant since the pandemic hit.

72% worked fewer hours due to lack of childcare.

15% had been made redundant or were facing redundancy, with 46% of those citing a lack of childcare as the reason.

81% needed childcare to be able to do their paid work, but only 49% had the childcare they required.

11% of pregnant women were made redundant or expected to be - of these, 57% were pregnant black women.

74% of self-employed women had their earning potential reduced because of a lack of access to childcare.

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