Article 5D2KT Go Forth, Young Programmer

Go Forth, Young Programmer

Remy Porter
from The Daily WTF on (#5D2KT)

The past is another planet, but a familiar one. Back in the far off year of 1989, Rick Poleshuck took a job with a company that made a computer product for nurses's stations in hospitals. Now, this product was for notes, and it was an "all inclusive" product- software, proprietary hardware, networking, terminals, everything. And it was written in Forth.

Now, this is what we might call a "classic Forth" system, and in such a system, Forth ran on bare metal. No OS, no filesystem, and a simple scheduler. This was also the system they developed on: the source just lived in raw 1KB blocks on the hard disk, and they edited blocks directly. That's not a WTF, that's just how things were done in that environment.

While this software didn't have any safety implications, it was used in the medical field, so "strict adherence to coding standards" was required. Unfortunately, the coding standard was written by someone with strong opinions, but not a great deal of common sense.

For example, the standard distinguished between code blocks and comment blocks. Each 1KB code block also had a 1KB comment block associated with it. Documentation about what the code block did went in the comment block. No comments went in the code block. In fact, nothing but code went in the code block- and that included indentation. Each code block was essentially supposed to be one extremely long line of Forth code.

The standards made sure developers avoided wasteful and dangerous habits, like documenting their code, but it was silent about some other potentially bad habits. In Forth, for example, nested loops can jump up the hierarchy of loops- the innermost can just jump straight back to the outermost. There are good language reasons for why that's allowed in Forth, but it's the sort of thing that can make your code much harder to understand and harder to debug. So of course, the network stack Rick had to work with used a lot of that convention.

Speaking of unusual conventions, anyone who's done some low-level C programming or looked at OS or driver code, may have seen cases where Assembly gets mixed in with C. Rick's employer took that a step farther- they mixed machine code in with their Forth. "For example," Rick writes, "0x90 is a NOP instruction on the 80286 CPU that was used." It's important to remember that they weren't allowed- by coding standards, not technology- to use any in-line comments in their code blocks, which meant these blobs of machine code were just long strings of hex numbers, with no explanation of what they were doing.

All of these conventions made everyone's lives harder, made the code harder to reason about, but were enforced with an iron fist by the various team leads and management. As different as the real-world constraints of programming Forth in 1989 were, it seems there are certain constants which always follow us: bad policies, enforced for the sake of enforcing them.

Rick has one last thing to add about their process, this time on what they did for source control:

And finally source control was a single master printed copy of the code and a saved 1/2 height 5 1/4" hard disk for each major release.

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