Strong on rhetoric, weak on substance – so much for the ‘vision’ of Global Britain | Will Hutton
The evangelists in government claim that a new era of greatness in trade and influence is on its way. But the evidence of disaster is piling up
Global Britain is a catchy slogan. There is the delicious hint of recovered greatness - though this time not imperial but global. It also neatly deflects the charge that leaving the EU is rampant little Englandism; instead, it is the EU that is made to seem parochial and inward-looking. What's more, it represents ambition.
Global Britain will be a great power as we used to be - cutting trade deals with the world, sending our fleet east of Aden again to project naval power as part of a pivot to Asia; and taking the lead in upholding democracy and the rule of law. The wartime entertainer Bud Flanagan can rest easy. Who do you think you are kidding, Remainers, if you think old England's done."
To be the force for good it could and should be, Britain had to be more modest, casting itself as an honest broker
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