Netflix to Start Testing Warnings for People Borrowing Login Info
Booga1 writes:
GammaWire is reporting: Netflix to Start Testing Warnings for People Borrowing Login Info
It's still a small sample size but we have confirmed from a number of Netflix users that the streaming service is starting to roll out a test of warnings to those allegedly borrowing account login information from users outside of their home or family.
For the time being, the number of users impacted seems to be relatively small (there is some loose chatter about specific users receiving these warnings on Twitter and other social networks, but nothing widespread yet).
The warning pops up and requests that users verify that it is in fact their account with a verification code. In other words, if you're borrowing your ex's account, good luck with that text asking for them to forward you the code.
[...] The most notable part of this whole test is that Netflix has long claimed letting people borrow passwords has been one of their strongest marketing channels. While never officially confirmed, there were reports that Netflix had metrics showing those who used other people's Netflix accounts were highly likely to sign up for their own accounts. This recent push to drive people borrowing passwords into signing up for their own accounts might indicate an internal shift in Netflix's customer acquisition data showing a worrying trend for the company.
Do you think users would bother setting up personal VPNs to masquerade as members of the same household?
Read more of this story at SoylentNews.