The Covid crisis is doing what the 2008 crash didn’t: ending the old economic orthodoxies | Larry Elliott
After Biden's stimulus, the era of small states, low taxes and balanced budgets suddenly looks to be over
A wealth tax to help pay for the cost of fighting the pandemic. An international agreement to prevent a race to the bottom on corporate tax. An insistence that recovery from the second severe crisis in just over a decade should be green and inclusive. A conviction that governments should spend whatever it takes to fend off the threat of mass unemployment, paying no heed to the size of budget deficit.
There's nothing startlingly new about any of these ideas, which have been knocking around for years, if not decades. What is different is that these are no longer just proposals put forward by progressive thinktanks or marginalised Keynesians in academia, but form part of an agenda being pursued by the International Monetary Fund and the US Treasury under Joe Biden's presidency.
Larry Elliott is the Guardian's economics editor
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