Error'd: Thanks
We got several submissions this week related to Steam'swebsite. Apparently it's popular with TDWTF readers. Is all of this a genuine indication of careless webdevs, or is Steam marketing just so fiendishly clever that they'retricking us into amplifying their presence? Feel free tospeculate; I'm going with a corollary to Hanlon's razor. Never attribute to malice that which can adequatelybe explained by awarding every job to the lowest bidder.
First, Brad K. declared"I was surprised to see an email from Steam about a summer sale this late in the year. Then I saw, they gotit right at the same time they got it wrong,"
Moments later, a probably-pseudonymous Smithers shared the same error,pointed out that Steam's website badly mangled the name of its recommended purchase, and indoing so, simultaneously leaked a view intohis(?) personal game wishlist. TMI?
Further highlighting Steam's popularityNasias Darktar ballyhooed"Praise the Emperor this Autumn with Steam'sAutumn Sale, offering the devoted some fantasticdiscounts on the Warhammer franchise."
Traveling on from Steam's misadventures, Bruce W. wonders"So, Marriott, how much did my room cost?" I wonder whatwould happen if Bruce base64-decoded that text.
Finally, Marc Wurth shares a funny email. "Yeah, I can see it, GitLab!"I would like to see what happened when hefollowed the instructions to klicken Sie hier inorder to im Webbrowser anzuzeigen
For those in the US, enjoy your long weekend(assuming you're fortunate enough to have the extra holiday).For those with more enlightened labor relations, we get it, but you can gloat in the comments section if you need to.
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