EU Parliament’s Research Service Confirms: Chat Control Violates Fundamental Rights
canopic jug writes:
MEP Patrick Breyer (Germany, Pirate Party), one of the few representatives fighting for preserving rights online rather than against them, has posted a summary about the EU Parliament's assessment of the proposed "Chat Control" legislation. In short, the "Chat Control" proposal violates basic human rights:
The experts made clear that an "increase in the number of reported contents does not necessarily lead to a corresponding increase in investigations and prosecutions leading to better protection of children. As long as the capacity of law enforcement agencies is limited to its current size, an increase in reports will make effective prosecution of depictions of abuse more difficult."
In addition, the study finds: "It is undisputed that children need to be protected from becoming victims of child abuse and depictions of abuse online... but they also need to be able to enjoy the protection of fundamental rights as a basis for their development and transition into adulthood." It warns: With regards to adult users with no malicious intentions, chilling effects are likely to occur."
There is an obfuscated link at the bottom of his post to the study, Proposal for a regulation laying down the rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse: Complementary Impact Assessment. He also has older overview of the problems with the proposed legislation at his blog, too.
Read more of this story at SoylentNews.