Open Thread 39
Seven Link disruptions in four days ($) last weekend. Five were from external causes (collision, blockage, shooting, two power outages), two from unknown causes. Five people were stabbed or struck by objects in 2023 on ST or Metro, while there have been seven unsolved shootings on King County freeways n the first seven weeks of 2024. (And more solved shootings?)
February 28: South Downtown Hub workshop (aka CID/N and S station area) and the Seattle Transit Advisory Board monthly meeting. Tell Sound Transit that good Link-to-Link transfers are critical for a downtown hub, and its downtown alignment needs to have them. March 5: West Seattle Link open house.
Somebody on Reddit posted that STB is anti-transit because we don't unanimously support everything in ST3 without reservations, so we're like the Koch brothers. The original message is deleted but the replies remain.
12 transit/bike/ped groups want the next Move Seattle to be bigger. (Move Seattle is the capital levy for non-car street improvements.)
Why buses get stuck in traffic. The Downs-Thompson paradox. (Not Just Bikes video)
This is an open thread.