Article 6MTYM Israel war cabinet split looms as defence minister demands post-war Gaza plan

Israel war cabinet split looms as defence minister demands post-war Gaza plan

Peter Beaumont
from World news | The Guardian on (#6MTYM)

Yoav Gallant, who Benjamin Netanyahu tried to fire in 2023, says he will not allow Israeli rule of Gaza

A long-festering split at the heart of Israel's war cabinet has burst into the open with the defence minister, Yoav Gallant, challenging the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to come up with plans for the day after" the war in Gaza, and saying he would not permit any solution where Israeli military or civil governance were in the territory.

Gallant's comments, immediately backed by his fellow minister Benny Gantz, plunged Israel's leadership into a highly public row, in the midst of the Gaza conflict, raising immediate speculation over his future in the Israeli government and of Netanyahu's fractious coalition.

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