Article 6V2QW Jurassic World Rebirth roars into theaters this July

Jurassic World Rebirth roars into theaters this July

Jennifer Ouellette
from Ars Technica - All content on (#6V2QW)
Story ImageScarlett Johansson and Mahershala Ali star in Jurassic World Rebirth.

The raptors are back with a host of ravenous friends in the official trailer for Jurassic World Rebirth, the fourth installment in the Jurassic World series and seventh film overall in the franchise spawned by 1993's Jurassic Park.

(Some spoilers for Jurassic World Dominion below.)

The franchise has been lumbering along for over 20 years now with mixed success, but Jurassic World Dominion (2022) at least gave Universal a bona fide box office hit to counter all the negative reviews, grossing just over $1 billion worldwide. (It has a mere 29 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes.) That film ended with dinosaurs and humans figuring out how to co-exist, the establishment of a dino sanctuary by the United Nations, and the evil corporation BioSyn in disgrace.

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