I expect that many noticed that the site went down and, if you are reading this you will also realise that it is now back up.
The entire server died leaving a wake of Out-Of-Memory messages, which resulted in the site itself, IRC and our email all failing. We (and by that I really mean kolie!) have restarted the server and doubled the amount of memory available to it.
Of course, that doesn't tell us why it ran out of memory, although we knew that it was a bit tight, nor what specifically happened today to push it over the edge. That will probably take a while to work out.
It might take us a while to put more stories in the queue but you should be able to comment on many of today's stories that have only just appeared on your screens.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and we are getting back on our feet again. As always, a big THANK YOU to kolie for his efforts.
Read more of this story at SoylentNews.