Greece’s fight is for democracy in Europe. That’s why we must support it | Owen Jones
From the cradle of democracy, a lion has roared. It is difficult to overstate the pressure the Greek people have both endured and defied. A country that has already experienced an austerity-induced economic disaster with few precedents among developed nations in peacetime has suffered a sustained campaign of economic and political warfare. The European Central Bank - which has only recently deigned to publish some of the minutes of its meetings - capped liquidity for Greek banks, driving them to the verge of collapse. There were stringent capital controls, and desperate queues outside banks followed. A country desperate to stay within the euro was told it would be ejected, and with calamitous results.
That's what the EU pulled off in Italy and Berlusconi - it should have been his people who removed him
Related: Yanis Varoufakis's resignation statement: 'I wear the creditors' loathing with pride'
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