Greece's lenders: who has most to lose?
Exposure to Greek loans is weighing heavily on minds in the eurozone, in Spain, Slovenia and Malta perhaps more than Germany
As eurozone leaders meet in another effort to broker a deal between Greece and its creditors, those who have lent to the near-bankrupt country are asking if they will ever get their money back.
Greece owes a323bn (228bn) to a combination of official and private creditors, equivalent to more than 175% of its GDP. Much of that debt mountain was built up by Greece receiving bailout packages, funded in part by its eurozone neighbours.
Related: Eurozone tells Greece not to expect debt relief any time soon
#UK has limited exposure to #Greece around a1.3bn via IMF & a9.85bn indirectly via banking sector
"Will the IMF's shareholders suffer losses if Greece does not repay?
No, the IMF's shareholders will not suffer losses.
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