Greek crisis: Athens submits request for third bailout
Alexis Tsipras remains hopeful that by end of week he will reach an agreement in best interests of both Greece and the eurozone
Greece has submitted an application for a third bailout programme, in an attempt to avoid crashing out of the eurozone.
The finance minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, marked his third day in office by requesting a three-year aid plan from Europe's permanent bailout fund, the ESM.
* Reuters poll-median 55 pct probability of Greece leaving Euro zone: economists (45 pct last week; first ever over 50 pct)
.@ManfredWeber "Mr Tsipras, the extremists of Europe are applauding you. You are surrounding yourself with the wrong friends."
Weber: Rather than holding referenda, other member states have got on with reforms and fiscal consolidation your rule has been catastrophic
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