A chancellor who shrinks the state will end up shrinking his popularity
by William Keegan from on (#FFCH)
The rhetoric about 'scroungers' plays well, but the size of Osborne's assault on services is so large that he may end up facing a widespread public backlash

The Conservatives are riding high at the moment and Labour are laid flat on the floor. Seldom has a serving chancellor of the exchequer appeared as triumphalist as George Osborne - although memories are evoked of the high points in my old friend Nigel Lawson's chancellorship during the boom of 1988.
However: history demonstrates that Labour is capable of coming back from the dead - eventually. And to my mind, with his naked experiment in social engineering and drastically reducing the size of the state, George Osborne could well be riding for a fall. I for one would not risk too much money backing him to become prime minister.
Let's face it. All this stuff about "one nation" and "compassionate Conservatism" is so much guff
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