Tired voters weigh up options as Greeks go once more unto the polling stations
Greece prepares for third election in nine months, with fatigue, resentment, the EU and refugee crisis dominating agenda for a weary electorate
Like all politicians, Greek politicians love a stage. And this week, in the run-up to Sunday's election, the scene was set with scaffolding, billboards and loudspeakers being erected at seemingly record speed in the squares of central Athens.
On Thursday night, it was Vangelis Meimarakis, the veteran conservative recently catapulted to the helm of the New Democracy party, addressing the crowds in Omonia Square. "Let's take Greece forward," he exhorted supporters, many sullen, glum-faced and wide-eyed as they went through the motions of roaring approval, waving flags and honking horns. "The lies are over. The Syriza experiment is over."
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