Andrew Adonis and the UK’s real infrastructure needs | Letters
Cutting carbon emissions is but one aspect of the changes needed for the infrastructure and mode of operation of the UK (Osborne reveals deal with former Blair ally, 5 October). On the energy side, we need to increase development and installation of a variety of renewable energy sources. These need to be supported with energy storage schemes. Tidal barrages provide an obvious way to combine both opportunities. We also need to develop and use technology to improve energy efficiency. This involves both more efficient operation of energy use and the reduction in use that is not socially useful. We make many things that add little benefit to life - for instance our overpackaging of many small retail items with moulded plastic. All of this needs to be viewed in ways to make our living more sustainable in the long run in terms of the use of world resources.
John Chubb
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
" Whatever one's political party, the establishment of a National Infrastructure Commission will be welcome if it drives forward the painfully slow process of government commitment to the projects the UK needs if it is to compete, thrive and survive in a global economy. Not least among its priorities must be a renaissance in low-carbon rapid rail links around the UK and not just HS2.
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