Article VBBM Paris terror gives cost-cutting George Osborne a security headache

Paris terror gives cost-cutting George Osborne a security headache

Toby Helm and Heather Stewart
from Economics | The Guardian on (#VBBM)

Under pressure to halt his tax credit cuts, the chancellor needs to find extra savings to hit his 20bn target - but can he afford to slash the police budget at such a critical time?
" The areas at risk of the axe

When Jack Straw saw television images of the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington DC in 2001, the then foreign secretary recalls saying to ministers and senior officials: "This changes everything."

In his memoirs, Straw admits that the remark was "hardly original ... but everything did change that day; 9/11 defined our foreign policy (and much of our home policy) for years after that."

Related: Police, welfare, NHS, defence or councils: the areas at risk of the chancellor's axe

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