Comment G2FQ Re: Unpopular opinion


95 percent of Android phones vulnerable to Stagefright remote MMS exploit


Unpopular opinion (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-07-31 08:02 (#G08Y)

Quoting Bruce Schneier (
Hacking Team had no exploits for an un-jail-broken iPhone. Seems like the platform of choice if you want to stay secure.

I know it's an unpopular opinion but time and time again it seems that iOS is the most secure one of the three.

Re: Unpopular opinion (Score: 3, Informative)

by on 2015-07-31 20:47 (#G2FQ)

Hacking Team had no exploits for an un-jail-broken iPhone.
That's an extremely narrow anecdote that doesn't prove much of anything, just that the particular group mentioned doesn't happen put much effort into iOS. There's no denying there are LOTS of iPhone/iOS vulnerabilities. See:

time and time again it seems that iOS is the most secure one of the three.
No, it doesn't seem that way at all:

"the vast majority of all mobile phone vulnerabilities that have been discovered so far have been found in Apple's smartphones. The firm found 210 vulnerabilities in the iPhone, giving iOS an 81% share of known mobile phone vulnerabilities"


Time Reason Points Voter
2015-07-31 21:51 Informative +1
2015-08-02 14:27 Informative +1

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