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Updated 2025-01-06 01:02
Opioid Prescribing Rates in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Counties Among Primary Care Providers Using an Electronic Health Record System --- United States, 2014--2017 | MMWR
{"issue-date":"2019-01-18","issue-vol":"68","issue-no":"2","title":"Opioid Prescribing Rates in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Counties Among Primary Care Providers Using an Electronic Health Record System - United States, 2014-2017 | MMWR","already_known":"Opioid prescribing rates vary by county urbanization level and are declining overall.","added_by_report":"Analysis of patient opioid prescription data from a national electronic health record vendor during 2014-2017 found that the percentage of patients prescribed an opioid was higher in rural than in urban areas. Significant decreases in opioid prescribing occurred across all urban-rural categories after the March 2016 release of the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain.","implications":"As less densely populated areas indicate both progress in decreasing opioid prescribing and need for ongoing reduction, tailoring community health care practices and intervention programs to community characteristics will remain important.","tags":[{"tag":"Opioid Prescribing Rates"},{"tag":" Opioid Prescriptions And Electronic Health Record System"},{"tag":" Opioid And Urbanization"},{"tag":" Opioid Prescription By County"}],"url":"https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6802a1.htm?s_cid=mm6802a1_w","content-ver":"1","schema-ver":"1","command":"add"}
Opioid Prescribing Rates in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Counties Among Primary Care Providers Using an Electronic Health Record System - United States, 2014-2017 | MMWR
{"issue-date":"2019-01-18","issue-vol":"68","issue-no":"2","title":"Opioid Prescribing Rates in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Counties Among Primary Care Providers Using an Electronic Health Record System - United States, 2014-2017 | MMWR","already_known":"Opioid prescribing rates vary by county urbanization level and are declining overall.","added_by_report":"Analysis of patient opioid prescription data from a national electronic health record vendor during 2014-2017 found that the percentage of patients prescribed an opioid was higher in rural than in urban areas. Significant decreases in opioid prescribing occurred across all urban-rural categories after the March 2016 release of the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain.","implications":"As less densely populated areas indicate both progress in decreasing opioid prescribing and need for ongoing reduction, tailoring community health care practices and intervention programs to community characteristics will remain important.","tags":[{"tag":"Opioid Prescribing Rates"},{"tag":" Opioid Prescriptions And Electronic Health Record System"},{"tag":" Opioid And Urbanization"},{"tag":" Opioid Prescription By County"}],"url":"https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6802a1.htm?s_cid=mm6802a1_w","content-ver":"1","schema-ver":"1","command":"add"}
QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged 18-64 Years Who Had an Influenza Vaccination in the Past 12 Months, by Sex and Current Asthma Status - National Health Interview Survey, 2017 | MMWR
{"issue-date":"2019-01-18","issue-vol":"68","issue-no":"2","title":"QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged 18-64 Years Who Had an Influenza Vaccination in the Past 12 Months, by Sex and Current Asthma Status - National Health Interview Survey, 2017 | MMWR","already_known":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","added_by_report":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","implications":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","tags":[{"tag":"Influenza Vaccination"},{"tag":" Influenza Vaccination By Sex"},{"tag":" Influenza Vaccination By Asthma Status"},{"tag":" Influenza Vaccination And Adults"}],"url":"https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6802a7.htm?s_cid=mm6802a7_w","content-ver":"1","schema-ver":"1","command":"add"}
Notes from the Field: Tuberculosis Control in the Aftermath of Hurricane Maria - Puerto Rico, 2017 | MMWR
{"issue-date":"2019-01-18","issue-vol":"68","issue-no":"2","title":"Notes from the Field: Tuberculosis Control in the Aftermath of Hurricane Maria - Puerto Rico, 2017 | MMWR","already_known":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","added_by_report":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","implications":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","tags":[{"tag":"Hurricane Maria And Puerto Rico"},{"tag":" Puerto Rico And Tuberculosis Control"},{"tag":" Hurricane Maria And Tuberculosis"}],"url":"https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6802a6.htm?s_cid=mm6802a6_w ","content-ver":"1","schema-ver":"1","command":"add"}
Notes from the Field: Typhoid Fever Outbreak - Harare, Zimbabwe, October 2017-February 2018 | MMWR
{"issue-date":"2019-01-18","issue-vol":"68","issue-no":"2","title":"Notes from the Field: Typhoid Fever Outbreak - Harare, Zimbabwe, October 2017-February 2018 | MMWR","already_known":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","added_by_report":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","implications":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","tags":[{"tag":"Typhoid Fever Outbreak"},{"tag":" Typhoid And Zimbabwe"},{"tag":" Harare Typhoid Fever Outbreak"},{"tag":" Typhoid In Mbare"}],"url":"https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6802a5.htm?s_cid=mm6802a5_w ","content-ver":"1","schema-ver":"1","command":"add"}
Notes from the Field: Typhoid Fever Outbreak - Harare, Zimbabwe, October 2017-February 2018 | MMWR
{"issue-date":"2019-01-18","issue-vol":"68","issue-no":"2","title":"Notes from the Field: Typhoid Fever Outbreak - Harare, Zimbabwe, October 2017-February 2018 | MMWR","already_known":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","added_by_report":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","implications":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","tags":[{"tag":"Typhoid Fever Outbreak"},{"tag":" Typhoid And Zimbabwe"},{"tag":" Harare Typhoid Fever Outbreak"},{"tag":" Typhoid In Mbare"}],"url":"https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6802a5.htm?s_cid=mm6802a5_w ","content-ver":"1","schema-ver":"1","command":"add"}
Notes from the Field: Fentanyl Drug Submissions - United States, 2010-2017 | MMWR
{"issue-date":"2019-01-18","issue-vol":"68","issue-no":"2","title":"Notes from the Field: Fentanyl Drug Submissions - United States, 2010-2017 | MMWR","already_known":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","added_by_report":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","implications":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","tags":[{"tag":"Fentanyl Drug Submissions"},{"tag":" Illicitly Manufactured Fentanyl"},{"tag":" Fentanyl Overdose Deaths"}],"url":"https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6802a4.htm?s_cid=mm6802a4_w ","content-ver":"1","schema-ver":"1","command":"add"}
Notes from the Field: Fentanyl Drug Submissions - United States, 2010-2017 | MMWR
{"issue-date":"2019-01-18","issue-vol":"68","issue-no":"2","title":"Notes from the Field: Fentanyl Drug Submissions - United States, 2010-2017 | MMWR","already_known":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","added_by_report":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","implications":"Summary not available.\nView Full Article for more information.","tags":[{"tag":"Fentanyl Drug Submissions"},{"tag":" Illicitly Manufactured Fentanyl"},{"tag":" Fentanyl Overdose Deaths"}],"url":"https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6802a4.htm?s_cid=mm6802a4_w ","content-ver":"1","schema-ver":"1","command":"add"}
Overdose Deaths Involving Fentanyl and Fentanyl Analogs - New York City, 2000-2017 | MMWR
{"issue-date":"2019-01-18","issue-vol":"68","issue-no":"2","title":"Overdose Deaths Involving Fentanyl and Fentanyl Analogs - New York City, 2000-2017 | MMWR","already_known":"During 1999-2017, the rate of drug overdose deaths nationally approximately tripled; approximately 70,000 overdose deaths occurred nationally in 2017, with nearly 68% involving an opioid.","added_by_report":"Using toxicology data, New York City identified fentanyl in 2% of drug overdose deaths during 2000-2012. By 2017, fentanyl was involved in 57% of all drug overdose deaths in New York City.","implications":"Universal fentanyl testing by local medical examiners and inclusion of drug-specific language on death certificates can aid surveillance and address the role of fentanyl in drug overdoses. Community-level educational outreach is indicated when an increase in fentanyl involvement is detected.","tags":[{"tag":"Overdose Deaths And Fentanyl"},{"tag":" Fentanyl Analogs And Overdose Deaths"},{"tag":" Fentanyl Deaths And New Year City"},{"tag":" Overdose Deaths In New York City"}],"url":"https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6802a3.htm?s_cid=mm6802a3_w","content-ver":"1","schema-ver":"1","command":"add"}
Overdose Deaths Involving Fentanyl and Fentanyl Analogs - New York City, 2000-2017 | MMWR
{"issue-date":"2019-01-18","issue-vol":"68","issue-no":"2","title":"Overdose Deaths Involving Fentanyl and Fentanyl Analogs - New York City, 2000-2017 | MMWR","already_known":"During 1999-2017, the rate of drug overdose deaths nationally approximately tripled; approximately 70,000 overdose deaths occurred nationally in 2017, with nearly 68% involving an opioid.","added_by_report":"Using toxicology data, New York City identified fentanyl in 2% of drug overdose deaths during 2000-2012. By 2017, fentanyl was involved in 57% of all drug overdose deaths in New York City.","implications":"Universal fentanyl testing by local medical examiners and inclusion of drug-specific language on death certificates can aid surveillance and address the role of fentanyl in drug overdoses. Community-level educational outreach is indicated when an increase in fentanyl involvement is detected.","tags":[{"tag":"Overdose Deaths And Fentanyl"},{"tag":" Fentanyl Analogs And Overdose Deaths"},{"tag":" Fentanyl Deaths And New Year City"},{"tag":" Overdose Deaths In New York City"}],"url":"https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6802a3.htm?s_cid=mm6802a3_w","content-ver":"1","schema-ver":"1","command":"add"}
Gastroschisis Trends and Ecologic Link to Opioid Prescription Rates - United States, 2006-2015 | MMWR
{"issue-date":"2019-01-18","issue-vol":"68","issue-no":"2","title":"Gastroschisis Trends and Ecologic Link to Opioid Prescription Rates - United States, 2006-2015 | MMWR","already_known":"Gastroschisis prevalence has increased worldwide. A previous U.S. report found that gastroschisis increased during 1995-2012, with the greatest increase among mothers aged
Gastroschisis Trends and Ecologic Link to Opioid Prescription Rates - United States, 2006-2015 | MMWR
{"issue-date":"2019-01-18","issue-vol":"68","issue-no":"2","title":"Gastroschisis Trends and Ecologic Link to Opioid Prescription Rates - United States, 2006-2015 | MMWR","already_known":"Gastroschisis prevalence has increased worldwide. A previous U.S. report found that gastroschisis increased during 1995-2012, with the greatest increase among mothers aged
Opioid Prescribing Rates in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Counties Among Primary Care Providers Using an Electronic Health Record System - United States, 2014-2017
Analysis of patient opioid prescription data from a national electronic health record vendor during 2014-2017 found that the percentage of patients prescribed an opioid was higher in rural than in urban areas.
QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged 18-64 Years Who Had an Influenza Vaccination in the Past 12 Months, by Sex and Current Asthma Status - National Health Interview Survey, 2017
In 2017, adults aged 18-64 years with current asthma were more likely to have had an influenza vaccination in the past 12 months (47.9%) than those without asthma (36.4%).
Evaluation of State-Mandated Reporting of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome - Six States, 2013-2017
In 2014 in the United States, an infant with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) was born every 15 minutes.
Drug Overdose Deaths Among Women Aged 30-64 Years - United States, 1999-2017
From 1999 to 2017, the death rate from drug overdose among women aged 30-64 years increased by 260%.
Establishing Baseline Cervical Cancer Screening Coverage - India, 2015-2016
Among women in India aged 30-49 years, less than one-third (29.8%) reported ever having been screened for cervical cancer.
QuickStats: Percentage of Emergency Department (ED) Visits Made by Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Among Persons Aged ≥18 Years, by Race/Ethnicity and Sex - National Hospital Ambulatory Medica
During 2015-2016, 3.5% of adult visits to the emergency department were made by those with chronic kidney disease.
Emergence of Extensively Drug-Resistant Salmonella Typhi Infections Among Travelers to or from Pakistan - United States, 2016-2018
During 2006-2015, 79% of isolates from U.S. typhoid fever patients who traveled to Pakistan were fluoroquinolone nonsusceptible.
Notes from the Field: Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - Louisiana, December 2017
In December 2017, the Louisiana Department of Health was notified of seven cases of respiratory syncytial virus infection at a five-unit, 84-bed neonatal intensive care unit that included 66 individual infant rooms.
Notice to Readers: Change in Continuing Education Activities for the MMWR Series
Effective January 11, 2019, the MMWR Series will no longer offer new continuing education (CE) activities through CDC's Training and Continuing Education Online (TCEO) system.
QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Percentage of Adults Aged ≥18 Years Who Were Ever Tested for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection, by U.S. Census Region --- National Health Interview Survey, 2017
In 2017, 41.7% of adults aged ≥18 years had ever been tested for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Adults living in the Midwest (35.5%) were less likely to have ever been tested for HIV than adults in the Northeast (43.5%), South (43.5%), and West (43.4%).
Wound Botulism Outbreak Among Persons Who Use Black Tar Heroin --- San Diego County, California, 2017--2018
During September 2017-April 2018, nine cases of wound botulism were reported in San Diego County, California; all patients reported injecting heroin and seven used black tar heroin, including subcutaneous injection in six patients.
Notes from the Field: Mycobacteria chimaera Infections Associated with Heater-Cooler Unit Use During Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery --- Los Angeles County, 2012--2016
In December 2016, a hospital in Los Angeles County reported two infections, later identified as Mycobacterium chimaera, in patients with a recent history (
Behavioral and Clinical Characteristics of American Indian/Alaska Native Adults in HIV Care --- Medical Monitoring Project, United States, 2011--2015
Among adults receiving human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) care from 2011 to 2015, American Indians/Alaska Natives patients had high poverty levels (51%), depression (27%), HIV stigma (78%), and suboptimal sustained HIV viral suppression (64%).
Drug and Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths --- United States, 2013--2017
In 2017, among 70,237 drug overdose deaths, 47,600 (67.8%) involved opioids, with increases across age groups, racial/ethnic groups, county urbanization levels, and in multiple states. From 2013 to 2017, synthetic opioids contributed to increases in drug overdose death rates in several states. From 2016 to 2017, synthetic opioid-involved overdose death rates increased 45.2%.
Notes from the Field: Environmental Investigation of a Multistate Salmonellosis Outbreak Linked to Live Backyard Poultry from a Mail-Order Hatchery --- Michigan, 2018
On June 12, 2018, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services requested assistance from CDC to investigate risk factors for Salmonella infection linked to live backyard poultry originating at a mail-order hatchery in Michigan.
Human Rabies --- Virginia, 2017
A U.S. citizen was bitten by a puppy while in India; rabies postexposure prophylaxis was not sought. The traveler developed rabies upon return to the United States and died during hospitalization.
EARLY RELEASE: Drug and Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths --- United States, 2013--2017
In 2017, among 70,237 drug overdose deaths, 47,600 (67.8%) involved opioids, with increases across age groups, racial/ethnic groups, county urbanization levels, and in multiple states. From 2013 to 2017, synthetic opioids contributed to increases in drug overdose death rates in several states. From 2016 to 2017, synthetic opioid-involved overdose death rates increased 45.2%.
Surveillance Summaries : Evaluation of an HIV-Related Mortuary Surveillance System --- Nairobi, Kenya, Two Sites, 2015
CDC evaluated a pilot HIV-related mortuary surveillance system in Nairobi, Kenya.
QuickStats: Percentage of Emergency Department (ED) Visits for Pain at Which Opioids Were Given or Prescribed, by Patient Age and Year --- National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 2005--2016
The percentage of emergency department visits for pain with an opioid given or prescribed for those aged
Health Care, Family, and Community Factors Associated with Mental, Behavioral, and Developmental Disorders and Poverty Among Children Aged 2-8 Years --- United States, 2016
Parent-reported data from 2016 indicated that a higher percentage of children in lower-income households had ever received a diagnosis of a mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder and a lower percentage had seen a health care provider in the previous year, compared with children in higher-income households. Most children in lower-income households were in families receiving public assistance benefits.
Trends and Gaps in National Blood Transfusion Services --- 14 Sub-Saharan African Countries, 2014--2016
During 2014-2016, blood collections increased and donor HIV prevalence decreased in seven of 14 countries, but systems to link HIV-positive and donors at high risk to testing and treatment are inadequate.
Rabies in a Dog Imported from Egypt --- Connecticut, 2017
Importation of a rabid dog into the United States from Egypt, with documentation of rabies vaccination but no medical history, resulted in a six-state investigation and administration of rabies postexposure prophylaxis to multiple persons.
Notes from the Field: Infections After Receipt of Bacterially Contaminated Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Stem Cell Products for Other Than Hematopoietic or Immunologic Reconstitution --- United States,
On September 17, 2018, the Texas Department of State Health Services received notification of Enterobacter cloacae and Citrobacter freundii bloodstream infections in three patients who had received injections or infusions of non-FDA-approved umbilical cord blood-derived stem cell products processed by Genetech, Inc., and distributed by Liveyon, LLC, for other than hematopoietic or immunologic reconstitution at an outpatient clinic on September 12.
Drug, Opioid-Involved, and Heroin-Involved Overdose Deaths in American Indian/Alaska Native Populations --- Washington, 1999--2015
During 2013-2015, total drug and opioid-involved overdose mortality rates for American Indians and Alaska Natives were 2.7 times higher than those of whites in Washington. Misclassification of American Indians and Alaska Natives race in death certificates underestimated overdose mortality among American Indians and Alaska Natives in Washington by approximately 40%.
Unresolved Splenomegaly in Recently Resettled Congolese Refugees --- Multiple States, 2015--2018
Despite recommendations, most U.S.-bound Congolese refugees with splenomegaly did not have documented receipt of primaquine after resettlement. Most patients were clustered within families. Approximately 50% of patients with available medical records had persistent splenomegaly >6 months after arrival; 63% of patients with splenomegaly had a hematologic abnormality.
Frequency of Use Among Middle and High School Student Tobacco Product Users --- United States, 2015--2017
During 2015-2017, the proportion of students currently using tobacco products who used a product ≥20 of the past 30 days ranged from 14.0% of cigar smokers to 38.7% of smokeless tobacco users among high school students and from 13.1% of e-cigarette users to 24.5% of hookah smokers among middle school students.
Influenza Activity --- United States, September 30--December 1, 2018
Influenza activity in the United States was low during October 2018, and, although it increased slowly during November, activity remains low across most of the country.
QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged ≥18 Years Who Had an Influenza Vaccination in the Past 12 Months, by Diagnosed Diabetes Status and Age Group --- National Health Interview Survey, 2017
In 2017, among adults aged ≥18 years, those with a diagnosis of diabetes were more likely to have had an influenza vaccination in the past 12 months than were those with a diagnosis of prediabetes (62.5% versus 56.1%); those with no diagnosed diabetes were the least likely to have had an influenza vaccination (40.1%).
Low and Decreasing Prevalence and Rate of False Positive HIV Diagnosis --- Chókwè District, Mozambique, 2014-2017
From 2014 to 2017, the annual rate of false positive diagnosis pf human immunodeficiency virus in Chókwè district, Mozambique decreased from 0.66% to 0.00%, and the cumulative false diagnosis rate was 0.56%, compared with the median rate of 3.1% reported in the systematic review.
Notes from the Field: Follow-Up on 11 Infants Born to Women with Evidence of Zika Virus Infection During Pregnancy --- Los Angeles County, 2016
During 2016, 11 infants were born to women in Los Angeles County who met the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists case definition for confirmed (four infants) or probable (seven) Zika virus infection.
Exposure to Secondhand Smoke Among Nonsmokers --- United States, 1988--2014
Although secondhand smoke exposure among U.S. nonsmokers declined from 87.5% to 25.2% during 1988-2014, one in four nonsmokers, including 14 million children, were exposed to secondhand smoke during 2013-2014.
Notes from the Field: An Outbreak of Salmonella Agbeni Infections Linked to Turtle Exposure --- United States, 2017
In June 2017, PulseNet, the national molecular subtyping network for foodborne disease surveillance, identified 17 Salmonella Agbeni clinical isolates with indistinguishable XbaI enzyme pattern (outbreak strain) by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.
QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged 20-64 Years With a Blood Cholesterol Check by a Health Professional During the Past 12 Months, by Poverty Status --- National Health Interview Survey, 2012 and 20
The percentage of adults aged 20-64 who had a blood cholesterol check by a health professional in the past 12 months increased from 58.0% in 2012 to 65.5% in 2017.
Uterine Cancer Incidence and Mortality --- United States, 1999--2016
During 1999-2015 and 1999-2016, uterine cancer incidence and mortality rates increased 0.7% and 1.1% per year, respectively, with black women disproportionately affected.
Public Health Response to an Avian Influenza A(H7N8) Virus Outbreak in Commercial Turkey Flocks --- Indiana, 2016
Monitoring procedures for highly pathogenic avian influenza responders were successfully implemented during a 2016 outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H7N8) in commercial turkey flocks in Indiana. No human cases of avian influenza were identified.
Outbreak of Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis Caused by Human Adenovirus Type D53 in an Eye Care Clinic --- Los Angeles County, 2017
This report details the first documented outbreak of adenovirus D53 epidemic keratoconjunctivitis in the United States. Seventeen epidemic keratoconjunctivitis cases were identified; after the primary case, all cases occurred in eye care clinic patients or their household contacts. Infection prevention lapses were associated with the outbreak, specifically improper ocular equipment disinfection.
Implementation of the Treat All Policy Among Persons with HIV Infection Enrolled in Care but Not on Antiretroviral Therapy --- India, May 2017--June 2018
Since September 2015, the World Health Organization has recommended antiretroviral therapy (ART) for all persons with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, regardless of clinical stage or CD4 count (1).
Health Disparities Among American Indians/Alaska Natives --- Arizona, 2017
Compared with other racial/ethnic groups, American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) have a lower life expectancy, lower quality of life, and are disproportionately affected by many chronic conditions (1,2).