hubie writes:A formidable space tourism industry may have a greater climate effect than the aviation industry and undo repair to the protective ozone layer if left unregulated:
I realise that this has been an unpleasant time for many of our anonymous community members, but I can assure you that it has been necessary. I am not yet prepared to go into details but I can at least update you with our findings so far. But first we have to look at some historical data.Anonymous Cowards (ACs) have always been - and will hopefully continue to be - welcome members of our community. There are many perfectly understandable reasons for wishing to post as AC and how you chose to live your own personal life is of no concern of this site. Equally, you are welcome to use VPNs and other security measures to protect your privacy. We take similar measures to protect all of your data so that you will not be compromised by us. These measures are effective and to the SN administration ACs appear as a single user with the user identity of #1.We cannot treat some ACs differently from others. While we can manage to sort out your comments etc with the aid of the hashes that we produce, they change so frequently as to be useless for any purpose outside of this site. But the Administration is only concerned with what happens within this site and so this point is moot. We have no interest in the rest of the internet so IP addresses are also of no interest to us. How your comments get from wherever you are to us is irrelevant. The bottom line is that ACs can only be treated as a single account. That account is granted certain permissions or not granted those permissions and they apply to every AC interaction.Most of our community, both logged in and AC, participate in the discussions in an reasonable manner and discuss the topic that has been outlined and any threads that resulting from it. It is true that, particularly at weekends, there is a slight increase in the number of ACs appearing but on their own they are little more than a minor irritant. There is, however, a 3rd group, consisting of ACs who sole purpose seems to be to derail any sensible discussion. Over recent years they have become more aggressive and often use personal attacks rather than challenging what is being said. Some are more obvious than others and I am sure that you can all think of examples of such people for yourself. A very small number have stated that it is their aim to prevent SoylentNews from continuing.Read more of this story at SoylentNews.
We have had to activate anti-spam measures.Only logged in users may comment. Registered accounts may still post anonymously but must first log in and then select anonymous posting.These measures will be revoked as soon as possible** Some stories will accept AC comments without having to log in. They are marked [* AC Friendly *] This is part of an experiment to assess the practicality of mixed stories. **[Editor's Note - This story has been moved up the display queue so that new arrivals can see what has been happening. JR 02-07-22 09:52 UTC]Read more of this story at SoylentNews.
upstart writes:A court in the British Virgin Islands has ordered the liquidation of Singapore-based Three Arrows Capital, underlining the crisis gripping the cryptocurrency sector:
upstart writes:Clinics offering debunked cancer treatments are still allowed to advertise, despite the company's stated efforts to control medical misinformation:
Mystery Rocket Crashes Into Moon but No Country Will Take Creditupstart writes:You may recall this story from March: A Dead Chinese Rocket is Crashing Into the Moon on Friday, and Scientists Can't Wait. It seems that nobody wants to admit to owning it - but NASA have now got a picture that might help resolve that question.Mystery rocket crashes into Moon but no country will take credit:
captain normal writes:El Reg reports "What's said to be a Ukrainian-made long-range anti-drone rifle is one of the latest weapons to emerge from Russia's ongoing invasion of its neighbor."
hubie writes:Researchers say people with Developmental Dyslexia have specific strengths relating to exploring the unknown that have contributed to the successful adaptation and survival of our species: