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Updated 2024-07-01 13:17
Classic WTF: Working Around, Over and Through the Process
Representative Line: Classic WTF: The Backup Snippet
CodeSOD: Answer the Questions on this Test
Jake works in Python. Python is a very flexible language, and Jake has some co-workers who like to exploit it as much as possible.Specifically, they’re notorious for taking advantage of how any symbol can be redefined, as needed. Is int a built-in function? Yes. But what if you want to have a variable called int? No problem! Just go ahead and do it. Python won’t mind if you do int = int(5).Sure, any linter will complain about the possible confusion, but do you really think this developer checks the linter output?Now, this particular block of code happens to be a test, which Jake provided because it’s one of the more head-scratching versions of this pattern, but it’s representative of this approach.
CodeSOD: The Wizard of Speed and Time
Christopher started a new job as a “full-stack” developer. Unfortunately, most of the developers are still on the “why do you need anything other than jQuery” school of front-end development, despite efforts to transition their UIs to Vue.This meant that Christopher didn’t do much backend, and ended up being the mid-level front-end dev, in practice if not in job title.One of the Vue components was a “Wizard” style component, which was designed to be highly configurable. You supply a JSON description of the Wizard process, and it would generate the UI to navigate you screen-by-screen. Since Christopher was new at the organization, he wanted to understand how the Wizard worked, so he started poking at the code.He got as far as the stepBack function before deciding he needed to rewrite it from scratch. Christopher assumed that stepBack could be as simple as popping the last element off the array of previous steps, and then update what’s currently displayed. That, however, isn’t what it did at all.
Tales from the Interview: A Passion for Testing
The interview was going well—as well as one could possibly expect. Alarik, the candidate, had a no-nonsense attitude, a high degree of precision to his speech, and a heavy German accent. He was applying for a job with Erik's company as a C# developer working on an inherited legacy codebase, and he'd almost earned himself the job. There was just one routine question left in the interview:"So, why did you leave your previous job?""Ach," he said, his face twisting with disgust. "It was my superiors. They did not wish to improve the codebase."This was the first red flag. Erik's company had a terrible codebase, littered with technical debt. He was all for improving it, but it had to be done carefully to avoid breaking their bread-and-butter application while they struggled to keep the company solvent. He'd been leading careful efforts to tackle the worst bits while still delivering new functionality. "Can you tell me more about this?" he asked, frowning just a touch."I was all set to develop unit tests for every unit," Alarik replied. "It would have saved effort in the long run, but the bosses did not see return on investment. It is always about money with them, never craftsmanship."Erik chuckled weakly. "Well, we're a small company, run by developers and former developers. We don't have MBAs here running the show, so we definitely appreciate craftsmanship. But I'll warn you off the bat, the product you'd be working on has no unit tests. We're working towards that, but we're not there yet."Another disgusted noise. "Tch. If you hire me, I will need time to improve this. Perhaps not the entire codebase, but at least the core functionality.""I appreciate your candor." And Erik did—it meant this leading candidate was pushed back to second place. After all, he might be a great developer, but dictating demands in the interview wasn't exactly a strong recommendation.They proceeded with the interview process, but their first choice fell through, so they ended up inviting Alarik back for a second interview. After all, not everyone who appreciates craftsmanship and prefers unit tests is necessarily inflexible."Do you have code samples we could look at?" Erik asked, hoping to convince himself the value of a good developer was worth some butting heads about priorities."Yes, yes, of course. Here, let me show you. I have brought you a unit test I wrote.""Great," said Erik, feigning some degree of enthusiasm. This again ..."This is a unit test for the Absolute Value function in the Math library," Alarik continued, pulling up the code with a few deft keystrokes.Please tell me it's just a sample, Erik thought. Does he think I don't know what a unit test is? Or does he really not trust the built-in absolute value function? What kind of person has a unit test for Math.Abs() pre-written on their computer? Will he tell me some war story about some platform where Math.Abs() failed to work on some edge case?!Erik mustered an insincere smile, sitting through Alarik's walkthrough. It was a well-written test, for certain, but he just couldn't shake the questions about why it was being shown in the first place. "This is a little simple. Do you have an example of a test you wrote for some actual business functionality?"."Ah, yes. Here is my test for `String.split`."Changing the subject, Erik asked about another sticking point: "You mentioned in our first interview that you wanted to break up class files that are too large.""Yes. No file should be over 400 lines."Erik thought back to one code file in their codebase that was over 11,000 lines, wincing a little. We're overdue to break this up, but I'd hate for this guy to come in and rearrange every one of our hundreds of files. "How strictly would you apply that rule to a legacy codebase?" he asked."It is good to be flexible," Alarik replied. "It's not a strict rule."Feeling relieved, Erik drilled further: "What if you found a class file that's a thousand lines long?""That I would break up, of course.""How about 500?""I would break it up.""What if there's no natural way to break it up?""There is always a natural way to break up complexity.""Well, how do you find that? Let's say you found a 11,000 line file. What steps would you take to break it up?""I would move blocks of code into other files."That did it. Erik thanked Alarik for his time, deciding to wait 24 hours and then give him the bad news. In rejecting him, Erik still felt guilty—he felt like the team was sloppy for not using unit tests and having a huge range of source code file sizes.No doubt we'll falter and fail, he thought sarcastically. It would serve us right for not employing the only person who could have taught us proper software development processes.And yet, three years on, in submitting this story, Erik wanted us to know that the company was doing better than ever, still with 0 unit tests in a codebase that's loaded with WTFs, and still feeling guilty enough about this interview to write in. [Advertisement] Otter - Provision your servers automatically without ever needing to log-in to a command prompt. Get started today!
Coded Smorgasbord: Classic WTF: Code Comedians
Error'd: Not That Kind of Chicken
"I probably wouldn't pick that picture, but technically, Google isn't wrong," wrote Dan K.
CodeSOD: Classic WTF: The not-so-efficient StringBuilder
CodeSOD: Classic WTF: Uncovering Nothing
Classic WTF: Emergency Faxes
CodeSOD: Classic WTF: Logical Tiers? That Makes No Sense!
Error'd: MathOverflow
"I just logged in to StackOverlflow and gained two rep points!Wow, let's see who vot... uhmm... -20 +5 +10 +10 equals 2?" Ryan R. writes.
CodeSOD: Get Out Your Decoder Ring
Back in the late 60s, early 70s, “Fourth Generation Languages” (4GL) seemed like the future. “Write programs without a programmer!” they promised. “It’s a specification-based language, you just tell the computer what should happen, and it figures out how to do it!”The most famous and probably most widely deployed 4GL, when all its variants and dialects are taken as a single unit, has to be SQL. SQL is the epitome of a specification-based language: each SQL statement represents an expression in relational algebra, and the database gets to use its own internal logic for deciding the best way to execute that statement, making database tuning a dark art involving statistical modeling and a lot of, “I dunno, but when I use this hint it runs fast.”Speaking of “programs without a programmer”, Nicholas G is trying to update some old SQL queries to a new database engine. That’s where this was found:
CodeSOD: The Map you Pay For
Soraya’s company recently decided to expand the payment options that they support. This meant integrating “Inipay”, Initech’s API for handling payment processing globally. This particular API is open sourced, which means that Soraya was able to investigate exactly how the sausage was made.Many of the classes were tagged as being @author auto create. In fact, there were about 2,000 such classes, all nearly identical aside from a few minor differences. What got Soraya’s attention though was that each of them referred to InipayObject and InipayHashMap. Re-implementing standard classes is always a concern.
CodeSOD: ToArray, then REST a bit
Mandy’s company was brought on to port some REST APIs to Java for a client. Those APIs were written in an in-house, proprietary programming language. Possibly this was a deployment of BobX? Regardless of what the in-house language was, it was everything one would expect from the Inner-Platform Effect. Weird, complicated, tortured logic.Somewhere in Mandy’s company, a pointy-haired-boss decided they’d throw a junior developer at this. “They did a REST API during their internship, how hard could translating this logic be?” Well, that junior developer didn’t understand the ins-and-outs of Java that well. They certainly didn’t understand the original APIs they were trying to port. The result is that they tried to follow the twisted logic of the in-house language while trying to fumble through Java.One API method provided a map of countries: {"US": "United States", "DE": "Germany", "CN": "China",…}. They wanted to map this into objects, in the structure {"label": "US", value: "United States"}. This was their solution.
Greek To Me
Many decades ago—before laser printers, graphical operating systems, and device-independent imaging models—Gus worked in the IT department of a local college. As a personal project during slow moments at work, he took it upon himself to figure out how to print Greek text. About a week later, he'd hacked together a solution that resulted in a printout of classical Greek writing.Gus' boss, although a manager in IT, happened to be a classical scholar. He'd never seen Greek text printed from a normal printer before, and he was ecstatic. He told his friends, who told their friends, and so on. The world of classical Greek scholars soon buzzed with the excitement of a rowdy symposium.One day, Gus received an email from an unknown professor at an Arizona college. He'd heard from Gus' boss about the wonderful, mythical software. Could he have it, too?Gus wanted to oblige, but there was a problem. His solution was specific to the previous version of the VAX/VMS operating system and Pascal compiler, to one particular VERSAMOD-200 printer that could be put into a dot-matrix mode, and to a special print driver that'd been carefully binary-patched so that it wouldn't mess up dot-matrix images. Gus doubted the professor had the technical knowledge to appreciate this explanation, so he replied in polite, less technical terms: sorry, but his software just wouldn't work anywhere else. A week later, his boss showed up at his desk, mentioning the friend in Arizona and nicely asking whether Gus couldn't find some way to send him the software after all. Gus' attempts to explain the impossibility of getting the code running on any other computer in the world fell on deaf ears."You're a genius, Gus! I'm sure you'll think of something. Thanks!" Pleased with his own optimism, the boss left.Gus thought about what he could possibly do to comply, or even semi-comply, with the request. Finally, he hit upon an idea. Into his computer's shell prompt, he typed:
Error'd: Do You Speak United States?
Mark wrote, "A Computer Science Degree + a New York certification + ability to speak United States?...I'm the perfict fit!!"
CodeSOD: The Honeypot
Pitor works for a web development shop. They’ll develop and design sites, usually pretty simple ones, for their customers. They’ll host them. They’ll update them. Every once in awhile, a customer will think “we could do this cheaper in house!” and takes their site and their contract to a cheap webhost.Sometimes, those customers come back when they realized their mistake.Thus, when Initech came back, their site was… in a bit of a state. When Pitor’s company handed it off, comments were provided by a Facebook plugin. At some point, someone decided that they wanted to use a Django plugin to keep comments entirely in-house, so they “disabled” the Facebook comments. How?
CodeSOD: Whose Tern is it to Play?
Every once in awhile, someone sends us some code from a game. Now, I’ve never delved deep into game development, aside from making a 3D asteroids game as a final project for a class twenty years ago, but I’ve also read an article about how fast inverse square root works, and know that you shouldn’t blow in a Nintendo cartridge, so I’m basically an expert, and I understand that under the constraints of games, some of the rules about clarity and maintainability go out the window.But Adam S found some code that’d be just plain bad in any context:
CodeSOD: This Null Leaves Me Feeling Empty
Stella needs to interface with a cloud-hosted marketing automation system. The documentation isn’t particularly great, and her organization doesn’t have anyone with any serious experience with the stack, so she’s been trying to find examples and wrapper libraries that can make it easier.She found one. While digging through the wrapper code, she found this block:
CodeSOD: Is Thinking Range Empty?
Susi inherited some code which she fortunately wasn't expected to maintain. She had a worse problem: she was expected to figure out what it did so that a new version of the software could be created. No one actually understood all the ins-and-outs of the software, there was no document that fully specified what it did, but it was absolutely business critical and every feature needed to continue to work, even if no one knew exactly what those features were.Features and functionality aside, internally, everything was stringly typed, and I do mean everything. Why use a struct in C++ when you can use a character delimited string? Why use a class when you can instead use multiple different kinds of delimiters to mean different things? Susi found cases where they stretched to delimiters involving characters Susi didn't even know existed, like the double o̿verscore.This block doesn't use any unusual delimiters, but it doesn't make it any easier to understand.
Error'd: Just Don't Look Too Closely
"Balmuda's marketing has a lot to say about their products in Japan...just not in Japanese...or really in Latin either for that matter," writes Michael.
CodeSOD: Sorted by Title
Dictionaries/Maps are usually implemented on top of some sort of hashing system. This isn’t precisely required, but it allows extremely fast access by key. The disadvantage is that the data isn’t stored in any human-friendly order.Cicely’s co-worker had a problem with this. They wanted to store key value pairs- specifically, the titles of a media item, and the actual object representing the media items. They wanted to be able to fetch items by their title, but they also wanted to be able to present the items sorted by their title.As this was C#, there are a number of ways to handle that sorting as needed. But Cicely’s co-worker took a… different approach.
Drink from the Font of Wisdom
A long time ago, George G started at Initech’s downtown office. They had just rented a few floors in an old office building that had recently transitioned from “urban blight” to “twee coffee shops on the first floor and the scent of shoe polish and fresh leather on every floor.”It was a big space, and George was in the part of his career where he merited a private office with a view of the alley.The first task was to track down a problem in the Mac version of their software product. It looked perfectly fine on Windows, but on OSX, there were font rendering glitches. It was a difficult bug to track down, but George could have been a detective in another life, and felt he was up for the challenge.The most important clue was right there in the source control history. Over the past three years, five developers had contributed to the history. Each seemed to stick around for about four months, and then they left. Long months passed with no changes, and then a new developer came on to repeat the cycle. As George investigated, those names kept coming up again and again as he tried to piece together what the product did, how it worked, and why it was broken.Because it was a cross platform application, they had implemented their own custom font-loader and renderer. At least, that seemed to be the argument. The internal structure of fonts is dangerous, complex stuff, and the code reflected that. It also reflected being tapped at by different developers with no continuity. It was a mess.There were loads of things George saw in there that were definitely bad- unguarded memcpy calls, mallocs without frees, pointer arithmetic that seemed to operate more on faith than logic. But none of that seemed to be the specific source of the problem.Frustrated, George decided to tackle the problem from the opposite direction. The screens where the rendering failed all were screens featuring one or two custom fonts. George loaded up the fonts in Adobe and Microsoft’s font validation tools, and then watched the pile of errors cascade out.The code which loaded the fonts was bad, but the fonts themselves were worse. Problem identified, George let his boss know that the fonts needed to be fixed. George’s boss let the company president know.A day later, George’s boss came back: “The president wants to have a meeting with you, now.”The president’s office was more like a conference room, but without the conference table. Just a long room, desk at one side, floor-to-ceiling windows and a view of the river. The president sat, glowering behind his desk.“What the hell is wrong with you two! You’ve been here less than four months, George, and you’re wasting my time- you’re wasting my money on some pipe-dream idea that the font is bad?”“It is. I can show you.”“The font works just fine in the Windows version! The problem has to be in the code, goddammit. I know how much you get paid. Should I grab a calculator and figure out how much your wild goose chase has just cost this company?” He slammed a fist onto the desk, which caused the solar powered calculator he kept next to his computer keyboard to bounce a bit.The rant went on, but George already knew what he was going to do after the meeting. By the end of the day, he turned in his employee badge and his laptop, along with a blunt and honest resignation letter.George enjoyed a short, unpaid vacation and moved on to other jobs. Over the years, he started to forget his time at Initech. That was until he saw a Microsoft Windows patch come down the pipe- a critical, emergency patch. It turns out, some “third party font-handling code” could cause arbitrary code execution in some Windows libraries. With a little more research, George confirmed: it was Initech’s code that was causing the problem, and more than that, the last time Initech had shipped a new binary was back in 2008- one month after he’d left the company. [Advertisement] Otter - Provision your servers automatically without ever needing to log-in to a command prompt. Get started today!
Robot Anarchy
Chaz had a pretty sweet gig as a software architect at a tech-based toy company. Being able to play around with computers AND toys all day wasn't terrible, but the pot got even sweeter when his company licensed a cool robotic product from a certain Danish toy company that specializes in small, colorful bricks. Chaz was happy to become the lead platform architect for this exciting new initiative.The intended outcome was to make the robots consumer-programmable via an interface with a smartphone app. Chaz had grand ideas for how he wanted to build the app and backend from the ground up with stability, performance, and security as the main pillars. That dream was dashed by Stellan, the CFO-turned-CTO, who insisted they develop against the same in-house platform they'd been using for over a decade. Chaz argued with Stellan until he was blue in the face, but Stellan scoffed at him, "I don't care if smartphones didn't even exist when our platform was designed. The cost of building a whole new one would be astronomical. We want a quick turnaround and high profit margin on these robots!" Stellan clearly showed he was far more qualified to be a CFO than CTO.Chaz and the development team slogged for six months to make the robot toys and the smartphone app work with their antiquated platform. By late July, they were prepared for their targeted launch at the end of August. Chaz was tasked with leading a demo for Stellan and other C-level executives. "Stellan, how to you like your coffee?" Chaz queried, his custom robot proudly displayed on the conference room table. Stellan informed him he took three sugars, two creamers. Chaz punched in a couple things on his smartphone then set it down. The executives stared in amazement as Chaz's robot grabbed a coffee cup, dispensed coffee from the carafe, then added what Stellan requested and gave it a good stir before delivering it to him."That's amazing!" Stellan shouted, looking down at the robot like it just performed a biblical miracle. "What else can it do??""Well, this is all I programmed it to do for our demo. But for anyone with an imagination and a smartphone, there are boundless possibilities," Chaz assured them."Brilliant!" Stellan added. "This gives me an idea!" The grin Chaz had from the successful demo suddenly faded. "I think we would be foolish to not collect data on how consumers are using these robots. We could use it to help improve and know what people look for in our product!""It's a good thought. Anonymous usage data can be beneficial in future product upgrades," Chaz agreed while hiding his skepticism."Future upgrades?" Stellan questioned, looking above the rim of his glasses at Chaz. "The future is now, Chaz my man. We need this data tracking in time for launch next month!" Unwilling to go on a rant in front of all the big-shots, Chaz saved his reservations for a more appropriate time. It didn't matter. Stellan's idea had to be put in. Fast.Chaz and the devs worked long hours over the next month to bang out the activity tracking and log upload functionality. The absurd timeline forced Chaz to approve a lot of corner cutting. The app was set to collect activity data from the robot every 23 seconds. Any higher frequency would cause the app to crash. From there, it would transmit the data back to a shoddy web service that Chaz also had to quickly produce. This gave Stellan the usage data he greatly desired.He gave another demo the week before launch but cautioned everyone that it hadn't been tested nearly as thoroughly as it should be. But it was too late to turn back. The programmable robots created a lot of buzz and there were nearly a million pre-orders by launch day. Chaz and his warnings didn't matter one bit.Launch day came with long lines of fans in cities across the globe eagerly waiting to get their hands on the product Chaz didn't trust. The thrill of all those sales eventually turned into panic as the modest support call center was flooded with calls about "robots gone mad."Chaz got a report from the support manager with a common problem consumers were having. Their robots would be working fine, then every so often, about 23 seconds or so, they would freeze up. Eventually the robots would become unresponsive. Some time later, they would "go crazy" and start doing all sorts of actions without input.Chaz checked the web and database servers. Both were flooded with activity and couldn't keep up. Chaz didn't need to check any logs to know what was happening - the activity tracking functionality couldn't handle to load that the logs a million launch day robots were generating. As for the phycho robots, that was caused by the inputs of users frantically tapping the app when their robots froze up. They would queue up on the smartphone and when the app got back to a point it could send commands to the robots, they all came in at once - giving the appearance of "robots gone mad".In a post-mortem meeting the following week, Chaz took the wrath of Stellan and the other executives. Obviously, it was his fault for arcitecting a bad product. Chaz pleaded with them to let him fix it the right way to make sure it didn't happen again. "Oh, this won't happen again," Stellan rebuffed. "We only had one launch day, there will never be that much activity again. What we have should be able to handle a slower trickle of robots coming online. As for you, Chaz, start packing up your desk. You're done here."Chaz was disappointed to be leaving what had been a cool job. But getting his bonus tied to the number of robot sales as a severance made it more palatable. On the way out, he actually wished he could be around to see Stellan's face after another million or so robots came online Christmas Day. Any angry letters to Santa about faulty robots should be redirected to Stellan by the North Pole post office. [Advertisement] Continuously monitor your servers for configuration changes, and report when there's configuration drift. Get started with Otter today!
CodeSOD: This Event is Quite the Do
Benjamin inherited some code from a fellow developer. The original author of this code wrote a lot of code for the company, and that code drives a lot of products which make the company piles of money. Tired of making money, that developer left to go open a restaurant.Which means Benjamin is now responsible for maintaining code which lives in 15,000 line files where class-level variables are essentially treated as globals. There's also a lot of misunderstandings about how Windows Forms GUIs work.For example:
Error'd: Planes, Trains, Automobiles, and Errors
"Just a friendly confirmation that I really stayed with them 2 months ago," Jeremy W. writes, "Maybe they just noticed they had 500,000 e-mails sitting in their outbox?"
CodeSOD: A Committed Parent
In Java-land, it’s still extremely common for problems to be solved by application of XML. Nowhere is this more true than in Java build processes, which is where Maven and its infamous POM.xml file come into play.Maven is an opinionated build framework- it requires that your project fit into a certain pattern. It’s also fiendishly complex. It also has some surprising guns with which you can target your own foot.Bret G saw builds suddenly start failing. Well, not failing, per se, but just not finishing. Sometimes the build would just hang. Sometimes it would crash with an out-of-memory error. Sometimes they’d get “Garbage collector timeout” messages, which is certainly a novel and rare error to see.This particular repo didn’t have the cleanest commit history. Multiple teams working on multiple deployables and their dependencies across piles of branches meant everything in source control was complicated. There were lots of commits. Some commits were arguably larger than they should really be, including multiple changes. Some were extremely large. Combined with no clear source of the error, Bret had to spend a lot of time tracking down the cause of the error, which was in the commons-logging POM.xml file.
CodeSOD: When the Man's Hash Comes Around
One of the risks of cloud-hosted or Software-as-a-Service solutions is that someday, the vendor might cease to be. They might become an ex-vendor. Sure, you have a similar risk with an on-prem solution, but at least there you can probably limp along for a decade without ever getting a software update. But with SaaS, when they turn the servers off…Well, Wolvenhaven's company had a plan. When their SaaS provider announced they were closing up shop, the company bought their source code. Now, what was a service could be brought on-prem, and Wolvenhaven was responsible for doing the code review to see what that would take.This is what the login code looked like:
Software Possession
Jon worked for a small company that specialized in automation of inspection systems: basically the industrial version of home automation, where you glue together a series of disparate automatable parts to create a specialized workflow. Jon was the only software person at his 15-man company. The client was in Russia, and the company was in the USA, so communication went through email and primarily via a client representative, Sam. Sam would gather the requirements verbatim from the client and hand them to Jon; Jon would augment the software to meet their automation needs, and send a new version over to Sam to deliver. It worked, after a fashion. The system was designed to control a robot that mostly opened boxes, picked things up, ran a series of quality checks on the things, and put them back.With home automation, most of the time the equipment isn't dangerous: light bulbs, speakers, maybe a garage door. Much of Jon's job, by contrast, was figuring out how to safely encode sequences of steps so that the robots—and the people standing nearby—didn't break. Requirements like "Don't move this piece while the robot is in motion" or "Don't put things into a box if the box is closed" required a good deal of time and effort to encode. Requirements like "Don't start the software if the robot isn't attached" seemed designed to hinder testing as much as possible.The software shipped, and the inevitable change requests started rolling in. There had been two configurations of crate and robot that the company had initially asked for, but in practice, they used at least six. One of the changes they asked for was a checkbox to tell the robot whether it needed to open the box or whether the box simply didn't have a lid at all. The initial requirements had been concerned about the human error of accidentally forgetting to toggle the checkbox and causing the robot to smash through a closed lid, but in practice, the workers weren't going to add lids to boxes that didn't arrive with them, so it was needed after all. That particular update shipped, and Jon got to work on the next update.It wasn't long before Sam was at his desk, frowning a little. "So, I have this bug report from the client, but ... I'm not sure how to enter it into Jira.""Huh? You just type it in. What's the issue?" replied Jon."Well, here, they sent over a video. Come look at this on my screen.""I'm a little busy, what's the problem?""The software just ... goes crazy. Somehow."This Jon had to see. He walked with Sam back to the latter's desk, hovering awkwardly behind his chair as they watched the video. Sure enough, after enabling the "bypass lid" checkbox, when the settings were saved and the dialog box closed, random buttons began depressing, settings toggling, and other behavior. It was absolute pandemonium—and Jon knew instantly what had happened.Software testing is a bit of an art, really: you have to be good at thinking like the end user, but you also have to be good at thinking outside of the box and anticipating the un-anticipatable. Testers have come up with shortcuts, ways to help guide testing to be more comprehensive to catch all the edge cases. One shortcut in particular had called to Jon: he could automate the UI, in much the same way the UI automated the robots. By clicking buttons at random, with random timing and random order, he could test extreme user error, determining that even if a literal monkey operated the software it wouldn't do anything unsafe.He'd of course removed this mode from the final software, but he hadn't removed the code that made it function for fear of screwing up something else on accident after it had already passed his testing. That had worked beautifully in the initial version. However, when he needed a new checkbox, he had seen that there was an invisible one already in place and just re-used it. Furthermore, when he renamed the checkbox, his editor had helpfully renamed the associated click handler so that they remained linked. And without the robot, he couldn't actually start the software to test his code, so he'd just sent the update over and waited for bug reports to roll in."Tell them to roll back the update. Tell them I'm very sorry and I'll have a new patch on their desk by the end of day," Jon said, rubbing the back of his neck."But what on Earth happened?" asked Sam, gesturing to the screen."Ghosts." Jon shrugged."What?""The software's possessed. Haven't you ever heard people talk about 'the ghost in the machine?'" [Advertisement] ProGet can centralize your organization's software applications and components to provide uniform access to developers and servers. Check it out!
Best of…: Classic WTF: I Am Right and the Entire Industry is Wrong
Announcements: Abstractions II: Pittsburgh Boogaloo
I’ve been a big fan of the work Code and Supply has been doing for years, with their focus on building a community for developers, starting in Pittsburgh and expanding their sights. We’ve co-sponsored a number of events, and I’ve personally found jobs and made friends through the organization.Their first Abstractions conference, in 2016, was easily one of the best conferences I’ve seen, and they’re bringing it back for 2019.In addition to a great list of featured speakers, there will be a massive slew of sessions, including two involving yours truly. Neither of them are WTF-related, but I promise, they’re both weird and exciting- one on using small amounts of Python to make weird sounds, and one on how improv comedy skills and exercises can help make you a better developer.It’s also one of the more affordable conferences, and it’s in a great town. I hope to see you there! [Advertisement] Forget logs. Next time you're struggling to replicate error, crash and performance issues in your apps - Think Raygun! Installs in minutes. Learn more.
Error'd: "W" is for ..."WTF"
"I do my best at teaching my children the basics in life, but then 'educational' toys like this one get in my way," Roger G. writes.
Powerful Trouble
Many years ago, Chris B. worked for a company that made CompactPCI circuit boards. When the spec for hot-swappable boards (i.e., boards that could be added and removed without powering down the system) came out, the company began to make some. Chris became the designated software hot-swap expert.The company bought several expensive racks with redundant everything for testing purposes. In particular, the racks had three power supply units even though they only required two to run. The idea was that if one power supply were to fail, it could be replaced while the system was still up and running. The company also recommended those same racks to its customers.As part of a much-lauded business deal, the company's biggest-spending customer set up a lab with many of these racks. A short while later, though, they reported a serious problem: whenever they inserted a board with the power on, it wouldn't come up properly. However, the same board would initialize without issue if it were in place when the system was first started.Several weeks slipped by as Chris struggled to troubleshoot remotely and/or reproduce the problem locally, all to no avail. The customer, Sales, and upper management all chipped in to provide additional pressure. The deal was in jeopardy. Ben, the customer's panicked Sales representative, finally suggested a week-long business trip in hopes of seeing the problem in situ and saving his commission the company's reputation. And that was how Chris found himself on an airplane with Ben, flying out to the customer site.Bright and early Monday morning, Chris and Ben arrived at the customer's fancy lab. They met up with their designated contact—an engineer—and asked him to demonstrate the problem.The engineer powered up an almost empty rack, then inserted a test board. Sure enough, it didn't initialize.Chris spent a moment looking at the system. What could possibly be different here compared to our setup back home? he asked himself. Then, he spotted something that no one on the customer side had ever mentioned to him previously."I see you only have one of the three power supplies for the chassis in place." He pointed to the component in question. "Why is that?""Well, they're really loud," the engineer replied.Chris bit back an unkind word. "Could you humor me and try again with two power supplies in place?"The engineer hooked up a second power supply obligingly, then repeated the test. This time, the board mounted properly."Aha!" Ben looked to Chris with a huge grin on his face."So, what was the issue?" the engineer asked."I'm not a hardware expert," Chris prefaced, "but as I understand it, the board draws the most power whenever it's first inserted. Your single power supply wasn't sufficient, but with two in there, the board can get what it needs."It was almost as if the rack had been designed with this power requirement in mind—but Chris kept the sarcasm bottled. He was so happy and relieved to have finally solved the puzzle that he had no room in his mind for ill will."You're a miracle-worker!" Ben declared. "This is fantastic!"In the end, functionality won out over ambiance; the fix proved successful on the customers' other racks as well. Ben was so pleased, he treated Chris to a fancy dinner that evening. The pair spent the rest of the week hanging around the customer's lab, hoping to be of some use before their flight home. [Advertisement] Utilize BuildMaster to release your software with confidence, at the pace your business demands. Download today!
CodeSOD: Do Fiasco
Consuela works with a senior developer who has been with the company since its founding, has the CEO’s ear, and basically can do anything they want.These days, what they want to do is code entirely locally on their machine, hand the .NET DLL off to Consuela for deployment, and then complain that their fancy code is being starved for hardware resources.Recently, they started to complain that the webserver was using 100% of the CPU resources, so obviously the solution was to upgrade the webserver. Consuela popped open ILSpy and decompiled the DLL. For those unfamiliar with .NET, it’s a supremely decompilable language, as it “compiles” into an Intermediate Language (IL) which is JIT-ed at runtime.The code, now with symbols reinserted, looked like this:
CodeSOD: Tern Failure into a Success
Oliver Smith stumbled across a small but surprising bug when running some automated tests against a mostly clean code-base. Specifically, they were trying to break things by playing around with different compiler flags and settings. And they did, though in a surprising case.
Representative Line: Destroying the Environment
Andrew H sends a line that isn't, on its own, terribly horrifying.
Error'd: Professionals Wanted
"Searching for 'Pink Tile Building Materials' in Amazon results in a few 'novelty' items sprinkled in, which, to me, isn't a huge surprise," Brian G. wrote, "But, upon closer inspection...professional installation you say?"
CodeSOD: True Confession: Without a Map
Today, we have the special true confession from Bruce, who wrote some bad code, but at least knows it’s bad.Bruce is a C# developer. Bruce is not a web developer. Someone around the office, though, had read an article about how TypeScript was closer to “real” languages, like C#, and asked Bruce to do some TypeScript work.Now, in C# parlance, your key/value pair data-structure is called a Dictionary. So, when Bruce got stuck on how to store key/value pairs in TypeScript, he googled “typescript dictionary”, and got no useful results.Disappointed, Bruce set out to remedy this absence:
A Problem in the Backend
Gary works at a medium company. Big enough that workers are specialized in their duty, but small enough to know people in other departments and to make turf wars a little more close and personal: danger close. Most of the departments see themselves as part of a team, but a few individuals see themselves as McCarthy, who will themselves alone save the company and defeat the enemies (who are all spies inside the company sent to destroy it from the inside).One of these individuals is named Eric. Eric is close to a Kevin. Eric is the front-end developer, and neither likes nor cares about what happens on the backend. Whenever Eric has an issue, he blames the backend. CSS rendering glitch? Backend problem. Browser crash? That’s the backend problem. Slow UI, even when all the data is cached clientside? Definitely a backend problem. Gary used to get mad, but now knows that Eric is so dumb that he doesn’t even know how dumb he is.Eric grates on people’s nerves. Since nothing is his problem, he doesn’t seem to have any work, so he bugs backend developers like Gary with terrible jokes. A typically Eric joke:“Do you know why they call back end developers back end,” Eric asked.
CodeSOD: Transport Layer Stupidity
Keith H’s boss came by his cube.“Hey, you know how our insurance quote site has TLS enabled by default?”“Yes,” Keith said. The insurance quote site was a notoriously kludgy .NET 4.5.1 web app, with no sort of automated deployment and two parallel development streams: one tracked in Git, and one done by editing files and compiling right on the production server.“Yes, well, we need to turn that off. ‘Compliance reasons’.”This created a number of problems for Keith. There was no way to know for sure what code was in Git and what was in production and how they didn’t match. Worse, they relied on reCAPTCHA, which required TLS. So Keith couldn’t just turn it off globally, he needed to disable it for inbound client connections but enable it for outbound connections.Which he did. And everything was fine, until someone used the “Save as PDF” function, which took the page on the screen and saved it as a PDF to the user’s machine.
CodeSOD: The National Integration
Sergio works for a regional public administration. About a decade ago, the national government passed some laws or made some regulations, and then sent a software package to all the regional administrations. This software package was built to aggregate reports from the local databases into a single, unified, consistent interface on a national website.Of course, each regional group did things their own way, so the national software package needed to be customized to work. Also, each regional administration had their own reporting package which already did some of this, and which they liked better, because they already knew how it worked. In the case of Sergio's employer, even more important: their organization's logo was prominently displayed.Of course, there was also the plain old stubborness of an organization being told they have to do something when they really don't want to do that thing. In that situation, organizations have all the enthusiasm of a five year old being told to brush their teeth or eat their vegetables.The end result was that the people tasked with doing the integration and customization didn't want to be doing that, and since the organization as a whole didn't want to do anything, they weren't exactly putting their top-tier resources on the project. The integration task was doled out to the people who literally couldn't be trusted to do anything else, but couldn't be fired.Shockingly, national noticed a huge number of errors coming from their software, and after a few months of constant failures and outages, Sergio was finally tasked with cleaning up the mess.
Error'd: From Error to Disaster
"They're a SEO company, so I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing," Björn E. wrote.
CodeSOD: What For?
Pretty much every language has many ways to do loops/iteration. for and while and foreach and do while and function application and recursion and…It’s just too many. Mike inherited some code which cleans up this thicket of special cases for iteration and just uses one pattern to solve every iteration problem.
Editor's Soapbox: The Master is Simplicity
When I was in college, as part of the general course requirements we had to take Probability and Statistics. The first time around I found it to be an impenetrable concept beyond my grasp, and I flunked. Since it was a requirement, I took it again and barely skated by. Joy; I had cleared the hurdle!By that time, it had become clear to me that I was going into a field that required a whole lot more understanding of P&S than I had acquired. Since I wanted to be properly prepared, I signed up for a free summer school course to try it once more.This time, the professor was a crotchety old German mathematician. He would not allow us to record the lectures. We were told not to bring the textbook to class as the turning of pages distracted him. We were not even allowed to take notes. Every class began with Good morning, Pencils Down! He firmly believed that you had not mastered a skill unless you could explain it in simple words to a complete neophyte, by merely describing it in non-technical terms that they already understood.Based upon my prior two attempts at this subject, after two classes I was convinced that this was going to be a waste of time. After all, if I could barely understand it with the textbook and notes, what chance did I have like this? But I had already signed up and committed the time, so I stuck with it.To my shock-surprise-awe, he managed to verbally paint a picture through which the concepts became crystal clear; not just to me, but to everyone in the class. I had no trouble acing all the homework assignments and tests, and my entire notebook for the course consisted of:
CodeSOD: Interpolat(interpolation)on
C# has always had some variation on “string interpolation”, although starting in C# version 6, they added an operator for it, to make it easier. Now, you can do something like $"{foo} has a {bar}", which can be a very easy to read method of constructing formatted strings. In this example, {foo} and {bar} will be replaced by the value of variables with the same name.C#’s implementation is powerful. Pretty much any valid C# expression can be placed inside of those {}. Unfortunately for Petr, that includes the string interpolation operator, as a co-worker’s code demonstrates…
CodeSOD: If I Failed
Let's simply start with some code, provided by Adam:
Error'd: Rise of the Sandwich Based Economy
"When I ordered on Hasbro Pulse's site, I don't remember paying using a large sandwich, but...here we are," writes Zeke.
CodeSOD: Switching Daily
A not uncommon pattern is to use a dictionary, or array as a lookup table in place of a switch or conditional. In some languages, like Python, there is no switch statement, and dictionaries are the main way to imitate that behavior.In languages like JavaScript, where the line between objects and dictionaries is blurred to the point of non-existence, it’s a common approach. A lot of switch statements can be converted to an object literal with functions as its values, e.g.:
CodeSOD: Inching Along
"Procedures should be as small as possible," is good advice. Like any good advice, you can take it too far.Mike recently was asked to upgrade a SQL Sever 2000 database to SQL Server 2016. Since this was an upgrade, Mike wasn't supposed to make any changes beyond the necessary changes to make the upgrade work. Still, when he found a bunch of methods with the same basic naming pattern, he had to investigate.