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Updated 2024-10-14 08:46
Samsung to launch debit card and financial-health-as-a-service service
There's revenue to be had with being a participant in the payments web, and the Apple experience to measure up against Samsung has announced it will launch a debit card.…
Equinix says Zoom bought plenty more stuff in Q1. Which is just what Oracle said, too
Despite you know what, little evidence of a rush to new racks Equinix has posted its Q1 FY2020 results for the period ending March 31st, along with some interesting insights into how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted data centre consumption.…
Go on, hit Reply All. We dare you. We double dare you. Because Office 365 will defeat your server-slamming ways
Even Exchange’s marketing bod reckons tests of feature could be a career-defining moment Microsoft may just have made Reply All storms a thing of the past, by adding a suitable blocker to Exchange in Office 365 environments.…
If it feels like the software world is held together by string and a prayer, we don't blame you: Facebook SDK snafu breaks top iOS apps
Update used wrong data type, causing Tinder to Spotify to fall over A change in the Facebook SDK backend managed to crash many popular iOS apps that integrated the code library, used for implementing various Facebook services.…
Bored at home? Cisco has just the thing: A shed-load of security fixes to install, from a Kerberos bypass to crashes
Switchzilla issues a whopping 30+ patches in time for the long UK weekend Cisco has emitted a fresh round of software updates to address nearly three dozen security holes in its products.…
FYI: Your browser can pick up ultrasonic signals you can't hear, and that sounds like a privacy nightmare to some
High-frequency audio could be used to stealthily track netizens Technical folks looking to improve web privacy haven't been able to decide whether sound beyond the range of human hearing poses enough of a privacy risk to merit restriction.…
GitHub Codespaces: VS Code was 'designed from the get-go' for this, says Microsoft architect
A compelling addition to repo house – but is the Redmond flavour too strong? GitHub had a lot to say about its plans at its virtual Satellite event yesterday, but the most far-reaching was the advent of Codespaces, the ability to edit code online, integrated into the GitHub user interface.…
Surge in Zoom support requests was 'unexpected', says tool team as it turns taps down
John Cena!* Online resources only for free and end users due to the 'unprecedented period' Video conferencing darling of the hour, Zoom, has tightened up support rules in order to "better serve" users.…
As coronavirus catches tech CEOs with their pants down, IBM's Ginni Rometty warns of IT's new role post-pandemic
Middle management is about to learn just how necessary they are Last night, one of the most senior figures in the IT industry from one of the biggest companies gave the strongest indication that when COVID-19 lockdowns gradually begin to lift, people will not return to the jobs they once had. That means both tech jobs, and how technology supports other business roles.…
A lot has changed since Android 11 was but a twinkle in Google's eye – so mobile OS has been delayed a month
'Extra time for you to test,' you lucky, lucky developers Google has applied the brakes to Android 11, pushing things out by a month as it grapples with a world that is much changed since planning for the release began.…
More and more organizations are falling to ransomware – will you be next?
Tune in online this month to find out how to protect your business from data extortionists Webcast It's been "the year of ransomware" for about the past three years. And while you may be tired of hearing about the trend and just getting used to the reality, you may also like to remember: instances of attacks are climbing – quickly – and we’re now reaching a level where more than half of ransomware schemes result in a business paying out.…
BT suspends shareholder payments as folk forgo pricey sports TV deals for matches that won't happen anyway
We all need to tighten our belts For the first time in over three decades, BT has suspended its dividend scheme as the former state-owned teleco grapples with the fallout from the novel coronavirus pandemic, and the financial uncertainty that'll inevitably ensue.…
Keeping up with the Joneses: Cloud hosting biz UKFast's founders sell up
Secarma may be next for Inflexion buyout Cloud hosting biz UKFast's founders, Laurence and Gail Jones, have "exited the business" as a private equity firm ups its stake – all as UKFast itself starts eyeing up Jones-owned infosec biz Secarma.…
Zoom bomb: Vid conf biz to snap up Keybase as not-a-PR-move move gets out of hand
Things will change forever, nods ex-Facebooker Alex Stamos Video conferencing software biz Zoom has bought Keybase in a surprise move just weeks after hiring Facebook's one-time CSO.…
O2 be a fly on the wall during BT and Vodafone's video calls: Telefónica's UK biz, Virgin Media officially merge
Multinationals' UK arms pair up to take on Voda and former state-owned telco Telcos Telefónica and Liberty Global today confirmed plans to join their O2 UK and Virgin Media subsidiaries into one combined entity in a deal analysts branded a "blockbuster merger".…
Looking for a new IT gig? Here are vacancies around the world for developers, cloud engineers, infosec analysts, Jira admin, and more
Advertise your open positions here for free, no catch, and find opportunities within Job Alert This week we've got job openings from all over the globe to tempt you, your friends or your past colleagues back into work, or indeed into new ventures.…
'A' is for ad money oddly gone missing: Probe finds middlemen siphon off half of online advertising spend
'B' is for basic controls that up and disappeared A study of the UK online advertising market, conducted by global accounting firm PwC, has found that publishers get just half of what advertisers spend, with the other half siphoned off by ad-supply chain intermediaries.…
MongoDB and Rockset link arms to figure out SQL-to-NoSQL application integration
NoSQL, no problem for Facebook-originating RocksDB MongoDB and fellow database biz Rockset have integrated products in a bid to make it easier to work with the NoSQL database through standard relational database query language SQL.…
Senior MP tells UK Defence Committee on 5G security: Russia could become China's cyber-attack dog
One has the vulns, the other has the brass neck to pull off heists. Right? Russia might begin carrying out cyber attacks against Britain's 5G networks "at the behest of China", the chairman of a Parliamentary Select Committee has ventured.…
Forever mothballed: In memoriam Apple Butterfly Keyboard (2015-2020)
At last, we can write headlines with all the letters intact For a company defined by design and attention to detail, the Butterfly keyboard was a tremendous humiliation for Apple. Conceived in 2015, it replaced the previous scissor-switch mechanism for one with a smaller profile, allowing Cupertino to continue shrinking already-svelte laptops.…
What do you call megabucks Microsoft? No really, it's not a joke. El Reg needs you
It is time. We need a new Regism and cannot go to the pub to think of one. Can you help? It is no secret that we like to use the odd bit of shorthand at The Register when biting the hand that feeds IT. Now we need a fresh one for Microsoft.…
Serial killer spotted on the night train from Newcastle
Remember when all we had to complain about were crappy rail services? Bork!Bork!Bork! Welcome to another in The Register's inexplicably long-lived series of digital signage suffering the odd public whoopsie.…
HCL finishes its year with 15 percent growth, 100 million minutes-a-month Teams usage
Cracks the 150,000-employee mark as revenue falls just short of $10bn Indian services giant HCL Technologies has wound up its 19/20 financial year by reporting 15 percent annual growth but a flat Q4.…
Non-human Microsoft Office users get their own special licences
Automated operators can pay up like anyone – or anything – else Microsoft has detailed a new form of software licence it offers to non-human users.…
Server sales went through the roof in the first three months of 2020. Enjoy it while it lasts, Dell, HPE, and pals
Enterprise demand set to soften, offset tier-two cloud, telco sales Global server shipments reached an industry record-breaking 3.3 million units in the first quarter of 2020, marking a 30 per cent year-on-year growth, Omdia analysts estimated this week.…
Dad to kids: I've decided you don't get to take over the family business. Kids to Dad: Who wants to run Samsung anyway?
Lee Jae-yong ends dynastic control and will even let staff join a union Samsung's heir has said that he will not pass down management of the South Korean conglomerate to his children, ending three generations dynastic rule.…
Australian contact-tracing app sent no data to contact-tracers for at least ten days after hurried launch
Doesn't play well on iPhones, but bureaucrats rushed it out rather than wait months for perfection. Meanwhile serious bug reports have emerged Australia’s “COVIDSafe” contact-tracing app was rushed to market in the knowledge it would perform poorly on some devices and without agreements in place to let actual contact-tracers use the data it collects. As a result, no collected data has been used in at least 10 days since its launch.…
Quick Q: Er, why is the Moon emitting carbon? And does this mean it wasn't formed from Theia hitting Earth?
Decades-old theory may require a rethink thanks to Japanese probe The Moon is believed to have formed from the leftovers of a proto-Earth smashing into a Mars-sized Theia nearly 4.5 billion years ago.…
Data centre reveals it modeled interiors on The Hunt for Red October sets
Australia bit barn outfit NEXTDC adds classic film reference to usual mix of resilience, connectivity and security Australian serial entrepreneur Bevan Slattery has revealed that he told the architects of a data centre he funded to make it resemble the sets used in classic submarine flick The Hunt for Red October.…
American tech goliaths decide innovation is the answer to Chinese 5G dominance, not bans, national security theater
Microsoft, Cisco, Google etc gang up to form Open RAN Policy Coalition Some of America’s super-corps have remembered how the US became the dominant global technology force it is, and have vowed to use innovation over threats to counter Chinese dominance in 5G markets.…
So you've set up MFA and solved the Elvish riddle, but some still think passwords alone are secure enough
OK, a third agreed with Thales when it asked the question About a third of firms and organisations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa still believe the humble password is a good enough security measure, according to a survey carried out by French firm Thales.…
When the chips are down, thank goodness for software engineers: AI algorithms 'outpace Moore's law'
ML eggheads, devs get more bang for their buck, say OpenAI duo Machine-learning algorithms are improving in performance at a rate faster than that of the underlying computer chips, we're told.…
California’s privacy warriors are back – and this time they want to take their fight all the way to the ballot box
Politicos watered down earlier efforts, so data defenders will fight to the end The small group of policy wonks that forced California’s legislature to rush through privacy legislation two years ago are back – and this time they want a ballot.…
The iMac at 22: How the computer 'too odd to succeed' changed everything ... for Apple, at least
Very '90s kit was everywhere – and it saved Apple's ass too On this day in 1998, Steve Jobs took to the stage of the Moscone Center in San Francisco for a product launch that would indelibly change the face of computing and arguably save the firm he founded almost 22 years earlier.…
ServiceNow's 6-week virtual conference kicks off. Yes, you read that right: 6 weeks...
It's a long, long buildup to CEO's soliloquy, it's a long way to go Knowledge 2020 With the long flights, late nights and early starts, IT conferences might seem endless. But with the shift to the online format becoming standard, for now at least, participants might be spared the trial of endurance.…
Twitter sticks a beak in, Clippy-style: Are you sure you want to set your account alight with that flame?
No, you still can't edit tweets Although editing published tweets still remains strictly verboten on Twitter, the microblogging anger echo chamber intends to prompt English-speaking iPhone-wielding users to double-check content before posting a reply that they might regret.…
Fake crypto-wallet extensions appear in Chrome Web Store once again, siphoning off victims' passwords
'Seriously sometimes seems Google's moderators are only optimized to respond to social media outrage' Three weeks after Google removed 49 Chrome extensions from its browser's software store for stealing crypto-wallet credentials, 11 more password-swiping add-ons have been spotted – and some are still available to download.…
Microsoft has speedy portable treats for locked-down princes and paupers alike with Surface Book 3 and Surface Go 2
£399 for entry-level lappy, £1,599 for high-end pro kit Lockdown hasn't stopped Microsoft from releasing some of its new kit at least – the Washington-based tech giant today announced the Surface Go 2 and the Surface Book 3.…
Lead times double on network cat Arista's hottest selling lines as COVID-19 disrupts supply chain
Cisco's switch-slinging nemesis warns of business slipping back to 2018 levels Lead times for some of Arista's most popular network kit has doubled due to disruption to the supply chain caused by the novel coronavirus, and won't improve any time soon, CEO Jayshree Ullal is warning.…
GitHub blasts code-scanning tool into all open-source projects
Rub-a-dub-dub, give your buggy code a scrub GitHub has made its automated code-scanning tools available to all open-source projects free of charge.…
Help us understand the shifting sands of network security: What's working for you – and what's not?
Last chance to have your say and share your experiences Reader survey With the IT world turned upside-down for many organisations, it’s a good time to talk network security. Or at least, it ought to be. Because while it’s something we all need more than ever, there’s almost always a gap between demand and budget, or between need and the ability to service that need.…
Huawei looking to take on Apple in the 'hearables' space... with an almost identical AirPod clone that costs under £100
Bit lacking in the playback stamina stakes, however Huawei's wireless earbud lineup just got a new addition in the form of the Freebuds 3i, which packs active noise cancellation and a sub-£100 price tag.…
GitHub rolls out hosted Visual Studio Code in Codespaces
Developer biz bets virtualized environments will make it easier to engage with repos A year and a half after being acquired by Microsoft, GitHub has integrated the company's popular source code editor, Visual Studio Code (VSC), and plans to make it available to users through a hosted service called Codespaces.…
Nutanix asks 'staff outside of the US' to take 2 weeks 'voluntary' unpaid leave
Solidarity with their US counterparts in COVID-19 cost cutting measures Hyperconverger Nutanix has asked staff in EMEA and elsewhere "outside of the US" to take two weeks of unpaid leave as it continues to contain costs during the COVID-29 pandemic.…
Dart 2.8 is out with a Flutter as Google claims to have solved the cross-platform dev puzzle
Material improvements in strategic framework for mobile, web and, tentatively, desktop apps Google's first 2020 update of its cross-platform development toolkit has brought Flutter up to version 1.17 and the associated Dart language to 2.8.…
Nervous, Adobe? It took 16 years, but open-source vector graphics editor Inkscape now works properly on macOS
Happy 1.0 to the fruits of volunteer labour Open-source, cross-platform vector drawing package Inkscape has reached its version 1.0 milestone after many years of development.…
MediaTek formally pulls open G85 SoC drawer, reveals chipset for next-gen budget blowers
Clock speed? 1Ghz. 5G radio baked in? Nope. Supports display resolutions of 60Hz Taiwanese chipmaker MediaTek has officially launched its latest G85 chipset, days after it appeared in the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9. The platform stays faithful to the company's playbook, and is a solid mid-range SoC, with an emphasis on graphics performance.…
Prepare to have your shonky password hygiene shamed by Firefox 76
Mozilla's finest shores up security features among other tweaks Third-placed browser Firefox has sought to arrest its slide in the rankings with the arrival of version 76, replete with beefed-up password features and tweaks to Picture-in-Picture functionality.…
There's a black hole lurking within 1,000 light years of Earth – and you can see stars circling it with the naked eye
Disclaimer: Black hole not visible, southern hemisphere required Astronomers have stumbled across the nearest black hole to us yet. The void lies at the heart of a stellar system just 1,000 light years away, and indications to its location are visible to the naked eye.…
Tom Cruise to increase in stature thanks to ISS jaunt? Now that's a mission impossible
Buddying up with wing man Elon NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine has confirmed that sofa-jumping Top Gun star Tom Cruise is working with the agency on a film aboard the International Space Station (ISS).…