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Updated 2024-10-14 14:01
Salesforce founder Marc Benioff tossed $2.3m in return for bumper company growth
Enterprise cloud rains bonus down on software supremo... that's this year's holiday sorted then Salesforce.com has had a rummage down the back of the sofa and awarded CEO Marc Benioff $2.3m in small change.…
Welcome to the telco, we've got fun and games: BT inks 5-year deal to outsource mainframe management to IBM
You lot can keep the blinkenlights flashing but you'll have to be TUPEd from BT... Exclusive - updated BT is outsourcing management of its mainframe estate to IBM in a five-year agreement that kicks off today. And while it may be April Fools' Day, some incumbent staff being TUPEd across to Big Blue aren't laughing.…
How many days of carefree wiping do you have left before life starts to look genuinely apocalyptic? Let's find out
Web calculator should give you an idea of bog roll, pasta, booze stocks The UK is in its second week of official coronavirus lockdown, though society has been collectively shitting the bed for much longer – so surely by now we've all suffered the indignity of venturing out to the supermarket only to be faced with barren shelves.…
Under pressure: K3 to put loss-making UK Microsoft Dynamics reseller biz into administration
AIM-listed biz says THAT virus meant it has little choice, will seek a buyer AIM-listed software and managed services outfit K3 is to put its loss-making Microsoft Dynamics reseller division into the hands of administrators amid commercial unpredictability caused by COVID-19.…
At the Supreme Court, Morrisons pops data breach liability win into its trolley – but it's not a get-out-of-compo free card for businesses
Vicarious liability now applies to intentional leaks, top court says Morrisons supermarket is not liable for the actions of a disgruntled employee who deliberately leaked nearly 100,000 employees' payroll data online, Britain's Supreme Court has ruled.…
Who's going to pay for Britain's Aunty Beeb to carry on? Broadband users, broadcaster suggests to government
With licence fee under threat, where can corporation get the money from? The BBC has floated the idea of replacing its licence fee with a broadband levy in its submission to a government consultation.…
Internet Archive justifies its vast 'copyright infringing' National Emergency Library of 1.4 million books by pointing out that libraries are closed
Authors, publishers unimpressed The Internet Archive has defended its decision to make its collection of 1.4 million books readily available online, despite most of them still being in copyright, by arguing that public libraries are currently closed.…
Sun storm probe OK'd: 'Our motivation is a fascinating signal that we have detected for decades but never been able to make an image of'
Space scientist reveals drive behind solar instrument experiment now approved by NASA NASA has formally green lit a mission to explore how the Sun whips up solar particle storms – those giant frenzies of charged particles that can frazzle orbiting satellites and destroy electronic systems on Earth.…
Apple's latest macOS Catalina update mysteriously borks SSH for some unlucky fans. What could be the cause?
Connecting to a port greater than 8192 using a hostname now stalls, possibly Apple's latest update to macOS Catalina appears to have broken SSH for some users.…
Soichi to join three-spaceship club, SpaceX is going to the Moon (no, really), and rocket boffins step up COVID-19 fight
Also: Satellite comms outfit OneWeb files for Chapter 11 Roundup Welcome to another roundup of the week's rocket-based tomfoolery for space nerds. Let's jump straight into it.…
Stob's vital message to Britain's IT nation: And no, it's not about that
It's actually another Huawei down the 5G antennas Stob Your attention please. I bring a message to you, Britain's IT community, from High Command.…
Half of organisations willing to be led into the first circle of hell, or what Dante might call upgrading an ERP system
Steady now A survey of more than 800 organisations has found that 53 per cent are looking to upgrade enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.…
Watch online today: Practical tips for Office 365 tenant-to-tenant migration
Three secrets of success you need to know, according to Quadrotech Webcast You merged. You sold a company. You’re migrating to a sovereign data centre. Whatever the reason for your Office 365 tenant-to-tenant migration, it can be one of the most important and stressful projects you will ever take on.…
NASA mulls restoring Saturn V to service as SLS delays and costs mount
Flying a 50-year-old rocket to mark the anniversary of Apollo 13? What could go wrong? Exclusive Faced with spiralling costs for its Space Launch System (SLS) and pressure to put American boots on the Moon by 2024, NASA is to return the Saturn V to flight.…
Hong Kong swells tech-buying subsidies for local businesses that buy from local businesses
$25k from you and $75k from the government buys improved productivity and economic diversity The Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong has increased the subsidies offered to local business’ technology investments by 50 percent.…
Zoom's end-to-end encryption isn't actually end-to-end at all. Good thing the PM isn't using it for Cabinet calls. Oh, for f...
Super-crypto actually normal TLS, lawsuit launched over Facebook API usage, privacy policy rewritten UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson sparked security concerns on Tuesday when he shared a screenshot of “the first ever digital Cabinet” on his Twitter feed. It revealed the country’s most senior officials and ministers were using bog-standard Zoom to discuss critical issues facing Blighty.…
Australian state will install home surveillance hardware to make sure if you're in virus isolation, you stay there
Could be a wearable, could be wired. Backed by big fines and jail The State of Western Australia has given itself the power to install surveillance devices in homes, or compel people to wear them, to ensure that those required to isolate during the coronavirus crisis don’t interact with the community.…
Singapore government scraps physical 2FA tokens for government services
There's an app for that. Or text, if you dare. Or even retail outlets Singapore will bin the physical tokens used to provide two-factor authentication (2FA) for some digital government services.…
Lobsters given seats on coronavirus rescue flights... although they're probably not in a rush for a boiling bath
Australia starts crustacean migration Australia will arrange rescue flights for lobsters, shellfish, and other seafood, to ease the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the economy. No, it's not that kind of rescue: they're going to be eaten, hopefully.…
Internet use up 40 per cent in San Francisco Bay Area – but you know what’s even higher? Yep, alcohol, weed use
Techies, non-techies respond to COVID-19 by self-medicating at home With the San Francisco Bay Area, including Silicon Valley, on its third week of self-quarantine, and facing at least another month of being stuck in near-lockdown at home, habits have changed.…
You're not fooling anyone on that vid-conference call: Walmart says shirt sales soaring, pants not pulled up
Oh no, we've been rumbled With workers opting to telecommute and dial into video conferencing amid the coronavirus lockdowns, where possible, sales of formalwear are up... partially.…
Talk about ill-gotten gains: Coronavirus KOs Xerox's $30bn months-long hostile takeover bid of HP Inc
Turmoil in the financial markets fells ambitious acquisition plan Xerox said on Tuesday that it is ending its hostile bid to acquire printer-and-PC maker HP due to financial complications arising from the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.…
MariaDB cuddles Kubernetes, snuggles ServiceNow and readies analytics with latest update to cloudy SkySQL
K8s 'kind of a universal key' for going multi-cloud MariaDB has updated its cloud-native SkySQL database, promising a slew of features addressing deployment, management and analytics.…
Samsung calls it a day on liquid-crystal display, says quantum dot is really hot
Low demand, supply glut. Why bother? Samsung Display will discontinue production of LCD panels by the end of the year due to falling demand for the increasingly marginalised tech and a supply glut in the market.…
Didn't see that coming: DataStax emits open source Kubernetes operator for Cassandra
Although you need to hop in the Management API sidecar for the really good stuff NoSQL slinger DataStax has released an open source Kubernetes operator for Apache Cassandra as it seeks to cosy back up to the community.…
Xiaomi, phone home: Chinese everything shop currently making most sales on smartphones
For now. (Having mattresses and smartbogs to fall back on doesn't sound so nuts anymore) Over half of Chinese electronics, scooters and underwear corp Xiaomi's revenue came from smartphone sales, according to audited figures published today [PDF].…
Microsoft expands AI features in Office, but are they any good? Mixed, according to our vulture
Plus note to admins: sending content to Microsoft is on by default and users cannot disable it Hands On Microsoft made a number of Office 365 Microsoft 365 announcements yesterday, including touting an expanded set of AI capabilities in its core applications.…
Epic Games floats $1m bounty to ID source of 'commercial smear' claiming Houseparty chat app has been hacked
Lots of non-savvy users may be recycling previously hacked creds Group video chat app Houseparty has offered a $1m bounty to identify what it claims is an organised campaign to falsely depict it as a hackers' backdoor.…
Relax, breaking a website's fine-print doesn't make you a criminal hacker, says judge in US cyber-law legal row
If you ignore the T&Cs to probe a site's algorithms, don't expect the Feds to swoop in using the dreaded CFAA Netizens probing websites' algorithms for bias and discrimination, against the sites' terms and conditions, can breathe a small sigh of relief. A US federal court has ruled it's not a criminal offense to flout a consumer-grade website's fine-print.…
Sunday: Australia is shocked UK would consider tracking mobile data to beat pandemic. Monday: Australia to deploy drone intimidation squads
Bloody poms are full of great ideas Australian prime minister Scott Morrison may have to eat his words on how to limit the spread of coronavirus after the country's westernmost state announced "extreme and draconian" measures all of its own.…
Marriott Hotels hacked AGAIN: Two compromised employee logins abused to siphon off guests' personal info
How many customers' deets? It's not saying just yet Marriott Hotels has suffered its second data spillage in as many years after an "unexpected amount" of guests' data was accessed through two compromised employee logins, the under-fire chain has confirmed.…
Huawei rotating CEO: Chinese government will not 'just stand by and watch Huawei be slaughtered'
Gotta find Huawei to handle 2020: Despite rosy 2019 figures, Chinese comms giant sees trouble ahead Huawei's rotating CEO reckons the Chinese government will retaliate against the US tech industry rather than allow the giant of the Middle Kingdom to be "slaughtered on the chopping board"* of US sanctions.…
If you've ever wished Visual Studio Code could be more open source, the Eclipse Foundation would like a word
DIY IDE Theia hits 1.0, and it's still compatible with all those extensions The Eclipse Foundation has pulled back the curtains on version 1.0 of Theia, an alternative to Microsoft's developer darling of the hour, Visual Studio Code.…
Cloudflare is over the moon because its pro-privacy DNS service got a clean bill of health from everyone's favorite auditor – KPMG
Proved for all sites, proved for all sites, there is nothing else we can do Two years ago, network infrastructure biz Cloudflare launched the Public DNS Resolver, with the promise that internet users could use the service to surf the internet without being tracked - by Cloudflare at least.…
Watch your MANRS: Akamai, Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft, Google, and pals join internet routing security effort
Filtering, anti-spoofing, coordination, validation to prevent crooks, spies hijacking victims' connections An internet community effort to improve routing security has got a boost from some of the internet’s biggest names.…
Pandemic impact: Two-thirds of polled Reg readers say it's business as usual in the IT dept, one in ten panicking
And few worried about security – are they right? Two-thirds of polled Register readers, on average worldwide, said it was business as usual in their IT departments amid the ongoing global coronavirus crisis. And fewer than one in ten said they were paralyzed by the pandemic.…
Hunting for IT staff? Lost your job during the pandemic? Sysadmin vacancies – and a free job ads offer – inside
Employers, would-be employees, we're here to help during these trying times Job alert We've received a couple of solid responses to our offer last week, in which we invited organizations seeking tech staff to tackle the coronovirus pandemic to send in their recruitment ads and we would run them for free online. No catch, no snark, nor strings attached.…
16 years and counting: How ESA squeezed oodles of bonus science out of plucky Mars Express probe
MEX I can: A tale of ingenuity and innovation Space extenders As the European Space Agency flicked the standby switch on some of its long-lived spacecraft in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, The Register figured it was time for a look at how the agency has kept its fleet flying far beyond expectations. Today, the veteran Mars Express orbiter.…
What's the difference between Windows 7 and a bin lorry? One is full of garbage, and the other… oh dear
Forget the Lambeth Walk, instead enjoy the Camden Bork Bork!Bork!Bork! Welcome to another in our uplifting series of incidents where someone else's IT misdemeanours are flashed at an unsuspecting world. Behold the bork.…
SAP's locked-down offshore project managers develop remote work plans for clients
We've asked top tech companies if India's lockdown changes the service you receive. Most say no India is the dominant source of offshored IT workers, and home to big facilities for plenty of global IT companies. India is also in lockdown and workers there cannot leave their homes except under limited cirumstances.…
Sucks to be you, ICANN. We can go our own way: Opera to support sites using renegade top-level domain .crypto
Is this the end of the DNS? No, but it is curious to see where this is going Opera has updated its lightweight browser for Android so that it can access unofficial .crypto domains, primarily to exchange cryptocurrency.…
Oracle makes some certifications and cloudy content free, in case you have time on your hands
Mum? Dad? What was lockdown like? It went by in a flash, junior, because we studied for a database certification Oracle will offer free training and learning material during the coronavirus lockdown.…
Watch Equinix’s webinar to find out how to manage risk in the open banking shift
New digital payment standards are changing the rules – don’t be caught out Promo You’ll probably be more than familiar with open banking standards by now. Launched in the UK by the Competition and Markets Authority in January 2018 and increasingly adopted in the wider world, 202 (and counting) regulated providers are now on board.…
Are you extracting the urine, ESA? Why, yes it is, from Moon dwellers to build homes out of lunar regolith. Possibly
Just use a wee bit of your imagination Future astronauts will need to be prepared to shed blood, sweat, tears, and, erm, possibly urine, too, if they want to build a home base on the Moon.…
Outage hits some Google Cloud services, error rate curve flattens and they're coming back
Good luck if you're a user of Cloud SQL, Cloud Data Fusion, or Cloud Composer Google’s cloud is experiencing trouble.…
Microsoft corrects ‘775 per cent cloud usage surge’ claim: Big number only applied to Teams and only in Italy
Now that's a caveat Microsoft has corrected its own claim that it had “seen a 775 percent increase of our cloud services in regions that have enforced social distancing or shelter in place orders.”…
India suggests cloud storage to slow the spread of coronavirus
Citizens advised to put away their papers and use the national data locker instead India is advising its citizens that cloud storage can help to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.…
Uncle Sam turns the screws on VoIP providers allegedly used by coronavirus, tax, bogus tech support scammers
This being America, they weren't too hard on most of them The US government is cracking down on Voice-over-IP (VoIP) providers accused of giving safe harbor to robocall spammers.…
Official: Office 365 Personal, Home axed next month... and replaced by Microsoft 365 cloud subscriptions
Plus: Edge sharpened, Teams upgrades promised Microsoft on Monday teased a few future features of its Edge web browser and Teams slack-killer. It also announced the rebranding of its cloud productivity suite Office 365 as Microsoft 365 – a subscription offering that already included Office 365, alongside Windows 10 Enterprise services and security features.…
Dot-com price rises on their way over the next four years: ICANN approves Verisign contract, walks off with $20m
You thought thousands of complaints would make a difference? Analysis The price of dot-coms will steadily increase over the next four years following DNS overseer ICANN's controversial renewal of Verisign's contract to run the top-level domain.…