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Updated 2024-12-22 09:17
Holier Than Thou
Pixie’s a resourceful girl… ↓ TranscriptAoi: Luna-chan! Thank you for coming to visit. Luna: Yeah. Sorry I blew the lid on setting up Bob and KC with the new shop. Aoi: Keeping it secret until after the honeymoon was a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Vote Incentive: Barbi, no camisole (NSFW)
Well, here’s a new vote incentive for you, at least. Barbi without the camisole. Vote to see the HD version.
Checking In
Just letting you all know I’m not dead or in the hospital. Just a busy month. I’m FINALLY caught up with the dishes. After doing most of the cooking. Karma for all the times I didn’t set foot in the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Give it up, Carly. When a parent says, “Oh, really,” you’ve lost the argument. — I know the art’s a little off, but I forgot to save my work and Poser crashed right after rendering. So, no do overs.
For Paris
E-mail Flood
Those of you that subscribed to e-mail notifications got a flood of e-mails for old posts. I was going over old posts that I’d flagged private and reactivating the ones that had “historical” value. I didn’t realize that was sending[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Not Quite There
Like Rocky doesn’t have enough to worry about right now.
Getting There
Guess she doesn’t want to bug Rocky…
Veterans Day
(Yes, this is a repost. I originally put this up in 2006.) I forget, sometimes, that I’m a veteran. Nine years in the US Air Force and I’ve been kicking myself almost since the day I left for not doing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Going Somewhere
Version 2
Going Somewhere
She’s up to something. Just a quick one today. Finally got my system set up right and made a backup that might work if it blows up again.
Well, that was fun. After installing a new SSD and loading the backup drive image onto it, it would not boot, no matter what. I searched the Internet and the best information I could find was to reset Windows.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
…Down the hole.
So, how long has it been since I’ve had a total system crash? Yeah. Computer was on. I took a nap. Screen was blank when I woke. Sat down figuring on getting a comic done. It wouldn’t wake up. Reboot.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
http://www.greenlightavet.com/ That’s the reason for the green background…
Tomorrows are my busiest day of the week…
Sorry about not posting for a while, again. I could probably qualify for Procrastinator of the Year, but I’d never get around to applying. I think if you look at my past performance you’ll find that late summer and early[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Barbi, just the camisole and panties (NSFW)
Barbi’s not showing everything, YET. Vote to get the full size version.
Filler, fan service, pandering, whatever… Obviously my judgement is slipping. Still having to take the occasional T3 pill. And the thumbnail here is a link to a big version. Cheers!
Site goes…
Going to update the theme for my sited to ComicPress 4.3 Bunch of changes may cause the layout to go boom. This probably isn’t the best time to do it, being on another round of pain pills. Oh, yeah. Got[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
On Porpoise
I’m with the dolphins on this one…
A Fighter
Never sink something someone will come looking for. ↓ TranscriptIona (Spooky): A Japanese merchantman? When did you sink it? How? Iola: I sang it onto the rocks here right after the Bombing of Darwin in '42. She was supplying subs[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Vote Incentive: Barbi, Unbloused (sort of NSFW)
Barbi’s got her blouse off for your voting pleasure. Remember to vote daily and I’ll be sure to put the next pic up soon.
A Shipping Hazard
It’s what mermaids do… ↓ TranscriptIona (Spooky): All done. The wreck and the safe were right where you said. We got a line attached and we can haul the safe up any time. Ione (Cleo): How'd you know about this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Vote Incentive (NSFW): Iola and The Twins Topless
(NSFW) OK. Here’s Iola, Iona (Spooky), and Ione (Cleo) posing topless for you. It’s for Breast Cancer Awareness. Really! HOWEVER, this incentive is only up for the 1st and 2nd. If you don’t vote, you may miss it. ↓ TranscriptIola:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Shown Up
I know what you’re going to ask for, and Barbi says she still has dibs on you… ↓ TranscriptIona (Spooky): Hi, Friends! Good to see you again. You used to know me as Spooky, but these days I'm Iona Kirke.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
And he does dishes… ↓ TranscriptAce: Hi, Ron. I can guess why you're calling. Ron: I don't doubt it. I understand that you sent a couple of NSA agents packing this morning. Ace: They showed up pretending to know things[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Anti-Spam plugins
An anti-spam plugin I was using started conflicting with another plugin again. So, I’m just dumping it entirely. I’m afraid that this will mean registering to comment, and the first won’t show until I review it.
Seriously, why can’t sick people stay home? (OK. I know. I know. Events like cons are only for a couple days and once one’s bought a ticket, a little thing like the sniffles may not seem like a big deal.) […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Rose City Comic Con – Saturday
After considerable waffling I finally bought a ticket to the Rose City Comic Con, in Portland OR, but only for Saturday. I waited too long to get a weekend ticket. I haven’t really decided what events to attend. Hopefully I […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Huggable, Too
He had it coming. And, can you blame him? — I just realized that I don’t know Walter’s full name. Do you? ↓ TranscriptPixie: Oops! Sorry. I forgot you were gay. Walter: No need to apologize, Miss King. A kiss […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
At Full Tilt
Put this in it’s proper sequence.
Vote Incentive: Camisole Barbi, just not yet
Safe for work for once. Had a request for a larger pic of Barbi in her camisole. She’ll do it, maybe even go nude, but you gotta show her the love. Here she is in blouse and skirt. Jump us […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
A Capital Thinker
Walter’s gonna get it now… ↓ TranscriptWalter: So your fix is the reason you wanted to meet with me. Pixie: At the time I made our appointment I was going to hit you up for the money set aside to […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Win 10
I’ve been using Windows 10 on my main system for a little over a week. I was already using the Windows 10 Technical Preview on an entertainment box (hooked up to my TV so I can watch streaming video in […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
↓ TranscriptPixie: The old congregation thinks I stole it. I'm an old fashioned girl. Sit in a few laps. Whisper in the right ears. Make promises I might not be able to keep. Shed a tear or two. And, bam, […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
He is gay, so I guess he doesn’t know… ↓ TranscriptWalter: A most interesting solution, Miss King. I'm impressed. I had my doubts when I was told you'd pledged to find a wedding chapel for Miss Jackson and Mr. Lee. […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Need your votes for a friend.
Please cast votes (hourly even) for my friend Nance: https://artistsignal.com/nancebrody Nance is a musician friend from Second Life. She plays some amazing music live online (LGBT friendly) usually associating her performances with a “show” in Second Life. It’s not unusual […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
End of summer “vacation,” and back to work. Room isn’t an oven and I can breathe again! Might have to hit you all up to fund a standing A/C with low power draw and HEPA filter next year… Cheers! ↓ […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Well, I opted for the free upgrade to Windows 10 a while back. Made a backup copy of my drive and finally gave into the nagging pop-up. Fingers crossed…
Vote Incentive (NSFW, repost) – Luna, Batteries Not Included
Luna’s having a bit of battery trouble with a new toy. Reposted by request. And, yeah. I’m still here. I’ve kind of had a writers block problem. Those NSA agents won’t stick to the script.
And she has tea waiting. ↓ TranscriptAce: It piques my interest that you're willing to give away your monitoring my Internet traffic as an intimidation tactic. Not that it comes as any surprise. But whatever you think you're on to […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Guess it couldn’t wait after all. — Not sure if it was writer’s block, the heat, or plain old laziness, but I finally got something for you. Cheers! ↓ TranscriptAce: May I help you? Tarent: Mr. Ace Gibs, I'm Agent […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
No Kind of Excuse
Still here. Not in the hospital or away from home. There have been several days the heat was too much for me, but not all of them. I’m just having trouble accomplishing anything at all.
House Catted
So tell me, how long have you believed that there’s a little green boy living in Maddie’s apartment? You can find all of the old Maddie’s Monster comics here: http://tmi-comic.com/chapter/maddies-monster/ ↓ TranscriptG'Nar: Well, I hope you've enjoyed the re-posting of […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Conversion Error
What’s that come out to, again?
Yeah, but whose money?
Due Credit
Double Trouble
No trouble at all…
Monster Humor
Two words: Rule Thirty-four.
Out of This World
And if something else eats them… Oh well.